Covering Michael Rhodes solo

Michael Rhodes is totally killer! He loves his new Fender American Professional Precision too! I've one just like that only lefty. A bass playing friend of mine casually commented that Michael Rhodes is the most recorded bass player ever. I don't know how he arrived at that conclusion, but as good as MR is I believe it. If I had to cover that bassline I'd be in real trouble. Thanks for posting and good luck!
Yep.... That’s a big hill to take. One chop at a time my freind. And walking away before frustration snares you in it’s ugly embrace tends to help me soak it in..... And to chime in on the MR love train. I saw him a month ago with Joe Bonamossa and All I got is.... Wow.....
Been a while. Just found this while looking for something else: Michael Rhodes. I remember thinking "I've never heard him use effects like this before" the bridge/solo is pretty wild:
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