Thread resurrect.
I initially put this “pedal” on my pedal board to cover Overdrive, and maybe just a taste of distortion.
But, more recently I started checking out some of the other functionality. Holy cats, the mid scoop and LPF knobs are hella useful. Much more than just copping the currently popular overdriven P thing, this pedal does slap funk, pizz funk, plectrum, etc etc. It’s almost more preamp than overdrive pedal.
The ONLY thing I’m struggling with is that in a cover gig situation, I have to constantly bend down to the pedal board to adjust it for the various feels I’m going for. It would almost be better on the mic stand than on the pedal board. I dunno; kind of scratching my head over it. Definitely not a one trick pony, and not just a kick it on or out effect. Lot going on in that little box. MUCH more than I thought I was getting into.