Sharon (Counterfeit) is a friend and band mate (not this band,) an incredible singer and keyboard player. Let me know what you think of the song and video.
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Language may not be SFW.
Thanks @Chicory Blue. I feel as you do. I like the song but I think the video detracts rather than adds to it. Honestly, the song and video do not do justice to her live performances.The song was a lot of fun, and holy hell can she use her voice.
The video... I'm not really sure? I get the sense that it wants to be lighthearted and humorous but unsettling at the same time, and while those aren't mutually exclusive elements, I don't know that they really bring out the best in each other here. I feel like it started off a bit too troubling to get comfortable with the humor and flair of it all, which weakened the impact of both elements. I enjoy the avant-garde thoroughly, but this plays out in a way that almost seems like it's actively trying not to be understood. And succeeding.
It's clear everyone involved had fun making it, though, and Captain Pancakes is quite the actor (when properly wrangled, apparently). I think I could get into it with a little more context- It's a lot to ask a viewer to take in at once, but it's got me curious, and that counts for something.
Thanks @Chicory Blue. I feel as you do. I like the song but I think the video detracts rather than adds to it. Honestly, the song and video do not do justice to her live performances.