Custom cab builder in Chicago?

So once upon a time, I bought a stretcher-case Harmony H-322, without any sort of cabinet - just the chassis and electronics. Fast-forward several years, and it's made it to the front of the queue for restoration, and once I'm done with the electronics I'm going to need a box to put it in...

Does anyone know of someone local to the Chicago area that would build me a custom head cabinet? I've found options elsewhere, but I'd rather work with someone local who could actually see the 322 for themselves - seems like less room for my errors that way. Also - I'm probably not looking for a high-end boutique shop. It's a Harmony product we're talking about, I'm not looking to spend thousands on a box to hold an amp I bought for $25.

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No real progress yet - Bag End kindly got back to me right away, but they're not set up for one-offs, so no joy there. I never heard back from Specimen. The staff at a local guitar and amp repair shop suggested Emperor, but it says right in their FAQ that they don't do what I'm looking for, so I haven't contacted them.

At this point I've started looking farther afield - I started a conversation with a fellow in Arizona, but I haven't heard back in several days - I may have scared him off with a detail dump of what I was thinking of? (Or maybe he's just got orders to fill...) I've got two more long-distance places I can try before I'm out of options.

I'm open to further suggestions!