Quick question here about daisy chaining 2 ampeg 210avs. I have a darkglass microtubes that I will normally be using to power an ampeg 8x10, but Im wondering if I could use it on occasion for smaller gigs with my 2 ampeg svt 210av's if I use the lower 2 ohm setting (giving it 500 watts @ 4ohms, and 350 @ 8ohms) and watch the master volume etc. Problem is, the darkglass only has one speaker output, but I would like to run both cabinets. Will daisy chaining the 210's result in a 16ohm load? If so, this doesn't seem usable with the darkglass, but I've read conflicting things about ohms, and series vs. parallel, daisy chaining etc. Any way to connect these up safely/usable? Like I said, it's not the default setup I'm pursuing, but It could be useful on the smaller rooms where I'd still like to get that darkglass tone. I'm a newb when it comes to this, and wanted some sagely advice before I go blowing up my gear. Thanks in advance.