Darkglass MT900v2 drops volume randomly

Jan 16, 2023
I bought the microtubes 900v2 a few months back. Recently I started noticing some weird volume drops. It was hard to diagnose since they seem to be occur at random times and usually only last for a few seconds.
Now I did some more thorough testing and it seems that sometimes the volume indeed drops. While that happens there is also a sound like from a scratchy pot. Obviously I checked all the knobs and buttons, but none of the seem to cause (or fix) the issue.
Usually this will go away after a few seconds and sound as clean and loud as before. On some occasions it lasted longer and I "think" it got fixed by unplugging and replugging the speaker (gr bass 212). I also replaced my speaker cable and speakers, but nothing changed. I'm 90% sure it's something on the inside of the amp.
Another thing i noticed is that pressing the 2/4 ohm switch on the back doesn't seem to do anything. I would have expected the amp to be less loud when switching from 4 to 2, but I didn't notice any difference. Could this be related to my volume drops?
It also seems that this issue occurs after 10-20m of playing and I had the impression that if I kept playing at some point the issue stopped, so might be related to heat. But I'm really not sure if this actually disappears after some time or if it would have happened again if I had played long enough.

Any idea what might be causing this and how to diagnose/fix it? I'm really afraid of the customer support dance that comes along with "random"issues.
This is exactly what the warranty process is for. Contact your dealer and have them help you sort it out. Do not apply internet cures to your amp as they will likely invalidate your warranty.

The 2 ohm switch doesn’t change the volume, only the maximum rated power.
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