Double Bass DB teacher recommendation in Montreal area?


Supporting Member
Mar 2, 2009
Hi all,

Not sure where to post this, moderator my apologies if this is not the right place and do not hesitate to redirect me to the proper forum.

Hobbyist EB player who LOVES the sound of DB but intimidated by the instrument... Considering giving it a serious spin, therefore looking for recommendations for a DB teacher in the Montreal area (West-Island, even better).

You're a teacher or have a good one, I'm awaiting your recommendations!

I’m in Montreal (not a bass teacher though). I don’t know how well you already play electric bass, but if you’re fairly accomplished already and you’re not quite sure what you want to do on the DB, then I would start the first few months of double bass self-taught. There are lots of resources on Youtube, (lots of approaches and conflicting info too) and you can start exploring that way.

Once you know roughly what you want to do , I can make some recommendations for teachers. Different players have different approaches , sometimes contradictory. Furthermore, if you want to play with a bow and you seriously want to get good, then you need to find someone who specializes in bow technique, which most jazz bassists in Montreal don’t do except a handful (and I know them ;-) ). Then you decide if you want to use German bow or French bow. 99% of bass players in Montreal use French, but there a handful using and specializing in German bow (which I prefer cause it’s cool hehehe).
Oh, just saw my initial post got replies! Putting this project on hold for the moment to tackle another project. Thanks for all of you that took the time to reply, much appreciated.