Alright cats, try this for size,
Last night I was playing my old OLP stingray for the first time in forever, but the tone was killing me. It was so clickaty clackity no matter what I did with it. So already favoring the tone of fretless, and wanting a brighter fretless sound than my Rhapsody was giving me, I ripped the frets out of the thing. I know I didnt do the proper process though. I simply took off the strings, took a fishing knive, worked it slighty under the fret and popped it out, no trouble, and very little mark left from the knife. After all the frets were off I ran the knive across all the hole's the frets were in and smoothed the ridges off them. I put back on the string, played with the truss rod and bridge, tuned it up and whalla! Instant mwaahhh. took me ledd than fifteen minutes. Anyways im in no way advising anyone to do what i did though, most frets are seated better than mine were, and from what i hear if the frets set good your tear the heck out of your fretboard. So a couple of questions now, is it imperitive they i fill the fret slotts with something? I dont mind the look of holes, and it plays fine with the slots there, but is it gonna damage my fingerboard to have slots across it? Also, the fingerboard is rock maple with a little epoxy on iy as is... should i finish with another layer? thanks...........jon b
by the way, that OLP sounds 12 times better.