device to lock out bass cab inputs ?

David Sutkin

“Bass Upfront” Founder
Commercial User
Apr 20, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Hey all,

I rehearse with a band in a monthly rented "time-share" studio .... My band and a few other bands play in the room at different times during the week and it seems each band keeps some of their gear there when not gigging (mostly cabinets) so they don't have to lug their cabinets back and forth between rehearsals.

I know that there are players who use other players gear .... it's so wrong but it is what it is and until we get our own space, I want to keep other bass players from using my cabinet and possibly blowing it out.

Anyway ..... I've seen locks that are made to slip over the power plug head but since I have a class D head that fits in my gig bag, I take that head back and forth with me.

I'm looking for some sort of device that won't allow anyone to plug into my cabinet while I'm not there. Maybe some sort of locking "dummy" plug(s).

I've tried searching the interwebs for such a thing but can't find anything like that.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Easy fix, I do it all the time.

Use a Franzen bore lock. EDIT: The 5.7 size fits most amp inputs. It is key operated and makes it impossible to input anything.

CAUTION: Your amp must ne unplugged to use this as it will short it if it isn't, AND it sticks out, so needs to be where folks won’t walk into it and snap it off inside.

Other than those warnngs, it keeps idiots form using your gear when you aren't around.

I'll take a pic of one in my SVT head when I get home later tonight.

Franzen Interbore Bore Lock
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Easy fix, I do it all the time.

Use a Franzen bore lock. The 9mm, .38/.357 size fits most amp inputs. It is key operated and makes it impossible to input anything.

CAUTION: Your amp must ne unplugged to use this as it will short it if it isn't, AND it stocks out, so needs to be where folks won’t walk into it and snap it off inside.

Other than those warnngs, it keeps idiots form using your gear when you aren't around.

I'll take a pic of one in my SVT head when I get home later tonight.

Franzen Interbore Bore Lock
Do these work for 1/4" and Speakons?
Easy fix, I do it all the time.

Use a Franzen bore lock. The 9mm, .38/.357 size fits most amp inputs. It is key operated and makes it impossible to input anything.

CAUTION: Your amp must ne unplugged to use this as it will short it if it isn't, AND it stocks out, so needs to be where folks won’t walk into it and snap it off inside.

Other than those warnngs, it keeps idiots form using your gear when you aren't around.

Thanks for the advice !!!

Is this what you're talking about? ... It'll work in a 1/4" input?

If you're in an evil mood, you could short the jack on the inside of the cabinet. This will keep your speakers from being used, and when you hear whose amp blew up you'll know who was trying to use your gear without your permission. Just remember to remove the short before plugging your own head back into it.

Also, remember, this is EVIL, so don't really do it....really, don't....but if you do, come back here and tell us how it went....but don't. Really.
Yes, that is the exact lock. You WILL NOT be able to push the cab against the wall, as it will stick out.

They come in various sizes, and I found the .38 ones fit into my SVT cab. Your results may vary, depening on the size tollerances of your inputs.

The rubber tip slides right in, and the expanding flange catches the edgge of the plug enough to lock it up.
1/4" jacks come in two flavors. Open frame and enclosed.
View attachment 2334382

I'm using it (them-takes more than 1 in a SVT) ) in Blue Line SVT amp and a GK head at the moment.

Admittedy, it is just to keep my kids band from using my stuff, in my home, so little chance of strangers banging my stuff around and breaking something off.

EDIT EDIT: I screwed up on the size of the lock. It is the one for 5.7 bores. Here is a pic of one in use:

If it does not seat securely, you can flare the ends of the lock to make it fit snugly.
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I'm using it (them-takes more than 1 in a SVT) ) in Blue Line SVT amp and a GK head at the moment.

Admittedy, it is just to keep my kids band from using my stuff, in my home, so little chance of strangers banging my stuff around and breaking something off.

EDIT EDIT: I screwed up on the size of the lock. It is the one for 5.7 bores. Here is a pic of one in use:

View attachment 2337023

Thank you!
I'm using it (them-takes more than 1 in a SVT) ) in Blue Line SVT amp and a GK head at the moment.

Admittedy, it is just to keep my kids band from using my stuff, in my home, so little chance of strangers banging my stuff around and breaking something off.

EDIT EDIT: I screwed up on the size of the lock. It is the one for 5.7 bores. Here is a pic of one in use:

View attachment 2337023
Oh. OK. That's not how I imagined them working based on the photo and description in the gun lock link.

  • To use the BORELOCK, insert the shaft into the barrel until the spring at the lock end compresses. Turn and then remove the key. The handgun is now safe and secure. Reverse the procedure to remove the lock.
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Good question op. After giving it some thought, if you dont mind screwing into your cab, you can put one of these on the back of your cab, over the input, srewing it in on either side of the jack, and then you can put a lock on it.View attachment 2340542

Another great idea .... No, I don't mind screwing something like that into the cab .... I can get something like that from the hardware store around the block right now. Thank you!