Not a seedy bar or dive bar but years ago a party given by an acquaintance of our drummer.
The house was in the worst section of a gang infested part of town. We were to play in the backyard.
Fights kept breaking out all over the place, someone got shot down the street, my car was broken into and one of
my cabs was stolen. On the makeshift stage, people kept yelling at us, beer was spilled or thrown at me and my amp.
Drunk girls would talk to us quickly followed by an irate boyfriend threatening to cut us or if we're lucky, just kick our ass.
Then we started our first song, first set.
We got paid and got drunk for free and got home without a scratch. Next morning woke up and through a hangover haze vowed to never again play a party or venue sight unseen or trust the drummer with booking gigs. I also demanded the drummer or his friend reimburse me for the stolen cab.
He said he'd get it to me soon. That was 30 years ago and I'm still waiting.