Do certain basses have Mojo?

James Jameson’s backup bass was sold at auction last year, not the funk machine, and it made me wonder. “Does that bass have mojo?”

Jamerson was a great player because of his abilities, not because of his instrument. You will not play even the tiniest bit like Jamerson if you use one of his basses.

You're reacting to what is known as "contagious magic" -- e.g. "Jamerson touched it, therefore he transferred some of his abilities to it." Needless to say, the universe doesn't actually work that way.
James Jameson’s backup bass was sold at auction last year, not the funk machine, and it made me wonder. “Does that bass have mojo?” Or is it just wire and wood and the bass player provides the Mojo. Discuss

Did somebody say mojo?

Here's my take...

But first a word from our sponsor...

Announcing another marginal product from Mong-O-Matic® Enterprises, a division of YouCantGetAwayWithThat Industries, LLC.

Presenting the new and disproved MongCo® Moj-O-Matic® with the not-so-revolutionary Mojo-In-A-Minute® technology. Now with the new and amazingly ineffective Moj-O-Riffic® String Dip© for lubricating the strings and enhancing their Phunk-O-Phonic® quotient.

A 5 second dip in the Moj-O-Riffic® String Dip© using the patented Saf-T-Matic® tongs while wearing the included No-See-Um© goggles is all it takes to renew, refresh, revitalize, rejuvenate, and otherwise make your strings sound like they've been dipped in it.

After the dip simply microwave the patent-pending® Mucho-Mojo® packet, now with extra What's-That-Smell® Black Cat Bone, for one minute. Slather it on your instrument with the patented Ten-Foot-Pole© applicator and prepare to be amazed at your PhunkySelf©®.

Be the envy of your friends. Call 1-000-GET-MOJO right now. Some real operators are standing by.

Offer void in Perpetuity. Close cover before striking. If condition persists consult a physician. Not available in states, countries, planets or galaxies with consonants, vowels, or digits in their name. Any resemblance to any product living or dead is purely coincidental and if you think the MongCo® Moj-O-Matic© is real you're crazier than I am.

And we're back.

I consulted my Magic 8 Ball and it said...

Don’t listen to these nay-sayers :D

Some instruments have mojo, while others do not. Case in point, my ATK305 has some MAJOR mojo goin on. Good bass bud has wanted to buy mine for years. He spent a number of months hunting for one that felt like mine. He bought and returned 4 before he “settled” for a Stingray lol.

In the 10 years I worked at guitar center (‘04-‘14), I played a ton of identical basses month after month. Fender Jazzes, P’s, Warwick’s, Musicmans, Squiers, etc. There were always those 1 or 2 that stood out from their identical twins.​
Don’t listen to these nay-sayers :D

Some instruments have mojo, while others do not. Case in point, my ATK305 has some MAJOR mojo goin on. Good bass bud has wanted to buy mine for years. He spent a number of months hunting for one that felt like mine. He bought and returned 4 before he “settled” for a Stingray lol.

In the 10 years I worked at guitar center (‘04-‘14), I played a ton of identical basses month after month. Fender Jazzes, P’s, Warwick’s, Musicmans, Squiers, etc. There were always those 1 or 2 that stood out from their identical twins.​
That’s been my experience as well, some basses just have “soul” and mojo can come from some unlikely sources. I had a Mikey way mustang bass that just sizzled and had a “voice”. On the contrary, I had a couple of American standards that just had nothing in them, soulless, lifeless wood and wire. :)