I've been working through an ear training course and focusing on identifying intervals. The app plays a root and then the interval. I'm working with a basic subset: major seconds, 4ths, 5ths, 6ths, major 7th and octave...
I find myself assigning a character or feeling to each interval. 5ths are kind of triumphant. Octaves are triumphant but more than 5ths. 7ths are like octaves but a little uneasy. 6ths have this questioning quality. I just threw the 4ths in this morning and haven't quite nailed a description yet.
This is just to my ear, but it seems to help with identification. Do you do this? How would you describe those intervals or others that strike you as having a particularly distinct character?
I find myself assigning a character or feeling to each interval. 5ths are kind of triumphant. Octaves are triumphant but more than 5ths. 7ths are like octaves but a little uneasy. 6ths have this questioning quality. I just threw the 4ths in this morning and haven't quite nailed a description yet.
This is just to my ear, but it seems to help with identification. Do you do this? How would you describe those intervals or others that strike you as having a particularly distinct character?