Doubts on college

Feb 13, 2013
So i've been looking into this college, but there are sometimes that i don't understand, as English is not my first language, there are some terms and words that i can't understant the meaning of, so maybe you can help me?

Tuition fees - Conservatorium van Amsterdam - Amsterdam University of the Arts

"The statutory tuition fee, set by the Dutch government, is set at €1,951 for the academic year 2015-2016"
Does this mean that: 1951 € is the amount that i have to pay for each year that i spend having lessons at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam?
Thanks in advance ;)
Sounds like it. It's that amount of money for that period of time, which is one year.

Assuming you're eligible for that rate. Apparently there are specific qualifications listed in the website.
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I'd say so. But it says "for the academic year 2015-2016". I would expect that figure to go up for the next year, not because you're older, wiser or richer, but because the school's expenses will increase and you'll get to help pay the bills.