Down With The Sickness...

Jul 3, 2014
I had never played a TecAmp... never looked at a Youtube video to hear one, and I was OBSESSED with one for years.

I recently realized that this is an epidemic that is rampant in the music community. When something new comes out, we obsess over it, desire it, buy it, sell it at a loss.

Some recent examples:
  • Sire basses
  • Fender Elite
  • Fodera
Okay, maybe not Fodera.... but you know what I mean... right?
Bring your Tank. I've also scored a 75 Jazz since you've last been by. Found it in a local pawn shop. Traded an old collectible dagger for it, that I absolutely had no use for. So I've named the bass "Dagger".

ps - The dagger was given to me years ago. So ultimately I got the bass for free:woot:
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