Drop tuning a short scale

Mar 11, 2013
Do any of you tune your short scale basses to D overall or BEAD, or something else? If so, what strings did you choose and why?

I'd like to tune my shorty bass to D overall... On my regular scale basses, one is tuned to standard and wears DR Lo-Riders exclusively. The other is tuned to BEAD and sports Pressurewounds with a .128 B string. DR doesn't seem to make short scale LoRiders, and while the GHS strings are good, i'm interested in seeing what other options ppl have tried and liked.

Thanks for your input!
You can definitely do it. I put one of our artists short scale basses in Drop C. You are going to have to hunt for singles that will work for your needs though. It’s not a “grab a packaged set” type of situation.
Yeah, I assumed as much. That's why I was hoping to get some info about what other ppl are using, so I'd have a starting point to work from.
Any advice on gauges?
Since nobody replied to my OP with any information back in January, I went ahead on my own and bought some labellas with high gauge numbers 760FS. They work really well in D overall, and the low string can even do drop C, although I might go a bit thicker if I wanted to do that often.

I couldn't really find much for rounds at the time though.
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I have undergone using a five’s set but that went not to well. The .130 (long scale) put on a fight. Anyway the tension tuned to B was higher than I was expecting. The .105 that in there goes down to C# but it’s very wobbly tuner wise.
Was hoping the GHS SuperSteels medium scale to be an improvement. Will keep searching then. Thanks for the info guys.