DSM Noisemaker OmniCabSim Deluxe : knobs and frequency response

Nov 28, 2013
I got my OCSD cabinet simulator a few days ago (fantastic little unit, I love it :hyper:), and I wanted to study how the knobs affect the signal.
So I've made a series of measurements that I'm now sharing, I think you might find it interesting as well.

This will not, in any way, be done in a scientific manner, but helps give an idea of what the pedal does.


The unit has 6 parameters :
Cab size
(output) Gain (kept at noon for all the measurements)

All the knobs work as you'd expect (clockwise to increase).
Their position range from 0 (7 o'clock) to 10 (5 o'clock).

I've got a reference setting, that I'll be calling "Flat" (obviously not actually flat, but having the widest frequency response, no mid scoop / boost, no lows bump) :
High-response : 10
Punch : 0
Mid-response : 10
Cab size : 10
Resonance : 5

You can see the "Flat" frequency response curve on most of the charts as a reference (look for "Flat" in the captions).

I then proceeded to make a series of measurements at different settings, starting at the Flat setting and gradually turning one knob.

Except noted otherwise, the values used for the parameters are
0 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 (7, 9, 11, 1, 3 and 5 o'clock).

The software I'm using (HOLMImpulse) is limited to 3 curves on the same chart, so there will be 2 charts per knob.

High-response :
6 different values ranging from 10 to 0, all other parameters kept identical to the Flat setting
It's basically a high-cut, ranging from 2kHz to 8kHz.
Note the bump around 2kHz to 5kHz (depending on the setting, when the value is past 4).
It helps in keeping the sound defined, and makes it closer to an actual mic'd cab (several bass cab mics that I know of exhibit a generous bump in that area as well)

Punch :
6 different values ranging from 0 to 10, all other parameters kept identical to the Flat setting
Boost only (~15dB), centred around 900-1kHz, and affects frequencies ranging from 300Hz up to 3kHz, helps cutting through

Mid-response :
6 different values ranging from 10 to 0, all other parameters kept identical to the Flat setting
Cut only (~15dB), centred around 500Hz, affects frequencies ranging from 150Hz up to 20kHz !
Notice the behaviour on the treble content : gradually rolls off the high frequencies when going from 10 to 5, keeping the overall response quite flat, then adding back the high-frequency content when going from 5 to 0, to emphasize the mid scoop

Cab size :
6 different values ranging from 10 to 0, all other parameters kept identical to the Flat setting
It's a high-pass, ranging from 70Hz to ~180Hz when going from 10 to 5 ; then a second filter kicks in to make it even more pronounced (up to ~300Hz).

Resonance :
I've made 2 series of 5 measurements (values : 0 - 2 - 5 - 8 - 10).
First one with a cab size at 10 (as per the Flat setting):
Second one with a cab size at 7 :
Based on the frequency set by the "Cab size" parameter, this adds a lows / low-mids bump (> 5) but can also be used to cut even more low frequency content (< 5).

I've also measured the frequency response for a few presets, just to show the diversity of curves one can achieve with those 5 knobs :
- DSM's 1x15
- DSM's 4x10 w/Twitter
- DSM's 1x10
- DSM's 8x10 (@Dsmnoisemaker settings can be found here)
- @anavar's "ampeg fridge" setting (here)
- my setting, modern tone, wide range and quite flat, but emphasizing the high-mids (> 1.5kHz) and adding a gentle bump in the lows (~80Hz), slightly cutting down in the mud area (200 - 300 Hz) :
High-response : 9
Punch : 4
Mid-response : 8
Cab size : 9.5
Resonance : 8
For those presets, I've shifted some of the curves to maintain a similar overall amplitude.

Please feel free to ask questions, and to contribute if you'd like to add recordings / demos :thumbsup:
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Wow, well done in-depth analysis! It looks like an extremely versatile and unique pedal solution. I don't know of anything quite like it. Way too interesting for me to pass up. I am eagerly awaiting delivery of my OCSD as it makes its journey through the US customs labyrinth. What were your "my setting" parameter values in that last set of curves? Same as the "Flat" settings you listed first?
Wow, well done in-depth analysis! It looks like an extremely versatile and unique pedal solution. I don't know of anything quite like it. Way too interesting for me to pass up. I am eagerly awaiting delivery of my OCSD as it makes its journey through the US customs labyrinth. What were your "my setting" parameter values in that last set of curves? Same as the "Flat" settings you listed first?
Hey, thanks ! I've updated the first post with my settings' approximate values.
I don't know of anything like it either. Before that, I was using a Palmer PDI-09, which is passive (good) but only has 3 presets (meh), definitely no match for the OCSD :bassist:
It's really helpful to see these curves to help visualize what I'm doing to the sound. I tune it by ear, but its nice to see for some reason, I guess it helps me better understand how the knobs interact with each other. There is clearly some overlap between each knobs function, but the Mid, High and Punch knobs work together, and the Cab Size and Resonance work together, then it seems those two groups work together a bit.

Such a great tool, really. You'd need a 3 band parametric EQ with high & low shelving filters to achieve these curves in some cases. Exactly why I'm selling my ParaEQ - it used to do this - but the extra features are what made me choose the DSM.
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Wow what a great job XLunacy! Since I heard about this pedal I've been wondering if there is a setting that will get close to a ported 2x15 no tweet ie a Mesa Diesel 215. Any suggestions?
Wow what a great job XLunacy! Since I heard about this pedal I've been wondering if there is a setting that will get close to a ported 2x15 no tweet ie a Mesa Diesel 215. Any suggestions?
Hey, thanks !
I won't be able to help you there, since I have no idea how that particular cab sounds like, but hopefully some body else will be able to provide you with a good preset to start with !

It's really helpful to see these curves to help visualize what I'm doing to the sound. I tune it by ear, but its nice to see for some reason, I guess it helps me better understand how the knobs interact with each other. There is clearly some overlap between each knobs function, but the Mid, High and Punch knobs work together, and the Cab Size and Resonance work together, then it seems those two groups work together a bit.

Such a great tool, really. You'd need a 3 band parametric EQ with high & low shelving filters to achieve these curves in some cases. Exactly why I'm selling my ParaEQ - it used to do this - but the extra features are what made me choose the DSM.
So true ! It is, in essence, an EQ, but tuned with cab simulation in mind, which makes a whole lot of difference : as far as cabinet simulation goes, you can't really go wrong in any direction you go with the settings.
I like that the knobs overlap and interact somehow, I'd say it glues everything together and makes it sound natural.
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Can you run this pedal as a DI from the effects send to use the emulation to a front of house board whilst not affecting tone through an amp?
I like to send my amp tone to the desk but find that the full range DI sound through FOH usually sounds ultra bright and needs some decent EQing. I'm thinking if I run this in the effects loop, the xlr out could send the affected signal to FOH to take advantage of the emulation, whereas I could send the parallel unaffected 1/4 inch back into the effects return so that my amps EQ/tone isn't altered.
Can I use it like this?
Can you run this pedal as a DI from the effects send to use the emulation to a front of house board whilst not affecting tone through an amp?
I like to send my amp tone to the desk but find that the full range DI sound through FOH usually sounds ultra bright and needs some decent EQing. I'm thinking if I run this in the effects loop, the xlr out could send the affected signal to FOH to take advantage of the emulation, whereas I could send the parallel unaffected 1/4 inch back into the effects return so that my amps EQ/tone isn't altered.
Can I use it like this?
Yes! Is my favorite way to connect it..you get your amp preamp tone into the FOH, and the through out into the fx return and you get the best of both worlds.
Ps: note that I'm offering free shipping this week! At dsmnoisemaker.com
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I just wanted to let whomever is reading this know that DSM Noisemaker is running a limited pre-order campaign at a reduced price for this little gem :hyper:
I am not in any way affiliated with the manufacturer, but I love this product and can't recommand it enough.
Another happy user here... just adding to the bump and helping get this seen out there. It looks like not many people know about this little box and I feel it's a must, if you send a DI to the FOH and you use overdrive/distortion. My fuzzed bass sounds very brittle and can get ear-piercing nasty (RATM tribute band: I combine it with wah at times)... but through this pedal you can get a much better sound. It takes some experimenting to find the best settings for you, but well worth it.
Great thread! Thanks so much!

I have my OCS new and I notice that the DI Out signal is very hot. Did anyone ever have any problems with this hot signal sending to FOH? I presume it should not be a problem to pad the signal at the FOH's end?
This was recognized and modified in the latest version. (The ones dan is building now...) More info in the other thread.
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