Duncan Active EQ AJJ-1s in a Warwick Thumb - Re-install MECs?


Supporting Member
Dec 22, 2010
I just picked up a 1990 Warwick Thumb NT. It has a pair of the old Duncan Active EQ pickups, each with the two DIP switches on the top. All the rest of the electronics are as the Thumb came from the factory.

I'm assuming that a previous owner installed the Duncans, because every Thumb I've ever seen came with MEC actives (gold lettering).

I'd like to restore this bass to factory stock by re-installing a pair of gold-labelled MECs.

Anyone have a pair of MEC gold Jazz-style pickups in excellent condition that they want to sell?

Anyone want to dissuade me from doing this?

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I've been playing the Thumb with the Duncan Basslines Active EQ pickups and it sounds pretty cool.

Today I bought a pair of MEC active pickups (gold lettering) from a fellow TalkBass member. They should arrive next week.

Now I have to decide whether to stow the MECs in the Thumb's case and leave them there until I'm unhappy with the Basslines, or install 'em and see if I like 'em better.

Decisions, decisions...

Has anyone played both of these pickups?

Opinions? Opinions? Anyone? Bueller?
This is an ancient thread but if those Duncan pickups were good enough for Jack Bruce....
Also I had thrm in a BO Thumb. May have been first year that also came with them. The best sounding bass I have ever owned. Hands down. And I have owned a lot. Awesome going to tape. Awesome live. Wish I never sold it.