I just got a sudden case of GAS this morning when I discovered there is a company named Dunwich Electronics that makes a pedal called the Volt Thrower. (I don't spend a lot of time looking at boutique brands or pedals in general.) This combines the works of one of my favorite authors (HP Lovecraft) with one of my favorite bands (Bolt Thrower).
I've taken the bait you diabolical marketing fiends; damn your souls!
If you have this pedal tell me about it. What do you use it with, how versatile is it, how much is it, how hard is it to get, everything. Nudge me into a precipice of eldritch indebtedness.
I've taken the bait you diabolical marketing fiends; damn your souls!
If you have this pedal tell me about it. What do you use it with, how versatile is it, how much is it, how hard is it to get, everything. Nudge me into a precipice of eldritch indebtedness.