EADC tuning of a five string Precision bass

Jan 10, 2010
Currently off planet
Eschew Obfuscation
Hi all. Just a quick inquiry:

Does anyone in here have experience with/or know of any recordings or youtube clips using a Fender Precision 5 string bass with a higher EADGC tuning? If so please post any clips or share any experiences you may have had doing this. I have a 5 string Precision that used to be my workhorse and am thinking of trying this out since it has such a lovely voice as a solo instrument. Looking forward to hearing any sound clips or reading about your experiences. Thanks in advance.
Check out Janek Gwizdalas Youtube channel, he recently posted a video about his new E to C five string, although it's a double reverse P, so I'm not sure how helpful that is to you. But I agree, it's a cool sound. One of the reasons I desperately want a six string P bass (I still need that low B).