In case you thought of trying them
They Cost about 30 dollars
They look cool, they arent quite that platinum silver color you get with most strings, theyre silver and black. Thats the only way i can describe they way they look.
They sound really bright, i mean even drop tuning sounds a lot brighter than usual, at least so far, ive had them about 2 weeks.
Even though they sound bright, they still have this growl underneath.. id say its more of a ghostly moan than a growl.
They are a bit harsh on your fingers compared to other roundwound strings, you will feel the difference instantly.
They Cost about 30 dollars
They look cool, they arent quite that platinum silver color you get with most strings, theyre silver and black. Thats the only way i can describe they way they look.
They sound really bright, i mean even drop tuning sounds a lot brighter than usual, at least so far, ive had them about 2 weeks.
Even though they sound bright, they still have this growl underneath.. id say its more of a ghostly moan than a growl.
They are a bit harsh on your fingers compared to other roundwound strings, you will feel the difference instantly.