In case you thought of trying them

They Cost about 30 dollars

They look cool, they arent quite that platinum silver color you get with most strings, theyre silver and black. Thats the only way i can describe they way they look.

They sound really bright, i mean even drop tuning sounds a lot brighter than usual, at least so far, ive had them about 2 weeks.

Even though they sound bright, they still have this growl underneath.. id say its more of a ghostly moan than a growl.

They are a bit harsh on your fingers compared to other roundwound strings, you will feel the difference instantly.
You mean the EB Cobalt roundwound, right? Cobalt flatwound seems more popular on these board than the roundwound version.

I've had an unopened 40-95 gauge Cobalt roundwound for years. A lot of folks said these were the harshest roundwound strings for finger style picking and to the fretwires, that these would eat your (nickel) fretwires easily.

I just got a bass with stainless steel frets. So, it might be the right bass to finally put the cobalt rounds on.
You mean the EB Cobalt roundwound, right? Cobalt flatwound seems more popular on these board than the roundwound version.

I've had an unopened 40-95 gauge Cobalt roundwound for years. A lot of folks said these were the harshest roundwound strings for finger style picking and to the fretwires, that these would eat your (nickel) fretwires easily.

I just got a bass with stainless steel frets. So, it might be the right bass to finally put the cobalt rounds on.

Yeah i mean the round wound cobalts. I def think theyre harsh on your fingers like youll notice right away. The upside is that going back to regular strings after a few months of cobalt strings will most definately condition your fingers and playing will probably be easier
Would you say cobalt rounds even harsher than stainless steel rounds on fingers?

Not gonna lie, i didnt know earnieball made stainless steel strings. Ive been playing for a couple years and i played with the cobalts and started getting callus again after just an hour or so. I hope thats a good discription. I normally play earnie ball power slinky strings
i didnt know earnieball made stainless steel strings.


EB SS Slinky (500x500).jpg
I like both the cobalt flats and the cobalt roundwounds, but use the flats more often, they just rule. They give the best characteristics of both flats and rounds at the same time, plus the tension is just right imo of course. And I kinda know what you mean about the ghost moan growl lol, its nice bright but subtle high range harmonics.
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Would you say cobalt rounds even harsher than stainless steel rounds on fingers?
Stainless steel rounds are the smoothest feeling string type anyone makes. Your fingers just glide across them like a wet slide at the park. Unlike flats, where your fingers just stick to them...both hands.
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I tried them a few years ago. I thought they sounded great. Best growl I've ever heard from any string. I stopped using them because of the amount of fret wear I experienced with them. Basses that I bought new were showing more fret wear after 2 or 3 years than 35 year old basses that had always been strung with stainless steel or nickel.
I had a set of those years ago. I remember liking their sound. Can’t really describe it, i was trying different sets every change back then, but I do remember they left a metallic smell on my fingers. Wasn’t horrible, but after playing you sure didn’t want to rub your eyes, or pick your nose.