Easiest way to remove (most) scratches from clear coat?

Dec 28, 2004
Hi. I have a bass with a pretty decent amount of scratches that are not very deep. I'd like to try to remove most of them if at all possible.

Is there a relatively easy way to do this easily (i.e. slowly and carefully)? I don't want to take it to a luthier because I think it will be a lot more expensive than the amount of money I have in the bass already. The results don't have to be perfect (i.e. all scratches removed), but I would like to try to improve it.

Thanks in advance.

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Best: 3M Finesse-It II #39003 Machine Polish. Stuff stays usable in the bottle for years, too.


I vote this way also. I have used it for polishing out roughness on a couple of instruments, and for final buff on a lacquer repaint. I bought a soft buffing wheel at ACE Hardware with a shaft that would chuck up in my 3/8" VSR drill, and used it to buff out the rough areas with much less hand-work.

NOTE: if you do that, remember that a spinning buffing wheel will throw polish all over....wear eye protection, don't do this in your living room, and don't wear your best clothes while doing it.
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