EBS Neo 210 speaker replacement ? + Markbass Little Mark MkIII wattage

Istvan Bakos

Feb 27, 2018
Hi TB guys,

I have a Markbass LM III and I use it with satisfaction for years now. It is rated for 500W RMS on 4 ohms. Recently I bought an EBS Neo 210 cabinet to use with it. The cab was damaged and I had to get the speakers repaired. Now the cab is in working condition and I started to use it with the amp. When it got me thinking... The EBS Neo 210 is rated for 500W also. As far as I know, the cab sholud be more in wattage to handle the spikes of the amp. I play loud dynamic music.

My question: Can I use this without damaging the speaker

OR as an option:

Replace the speakers for Eminence D10A which are 350W per speaker so two speakers would be 700W. Can it be a long therm option to have both enough volume and stable and reliable operation? Is the cab's 700W rated wattage enough to handle the amp's 500W output?

Thanks for your help.
I'll give it a shot, since you've been ignored, big surprise. This kind of question comes up frequently, people kinda get tired of answering it.

You left out an important bit of info. Is the EBS cab 4Ω or 8? If it's 8, get another one. If it's 4Ω, sell it and get two 8Ω ones.

No amount of power will overcome trying to get loud enough with just a single 210 cab.

The power handling ratings for cabs is thermal. It doesn't take into account the wattage needed to reach xmax, and the Delta 10s have very little, probably less than what EBS put in those cabs to start with, so that's probably a step backwards.
Markbass LM III
  • OUTPUT POWER: 500W RMS @ 4 ohms / 300W RMS @ 8 ohms

EBS NeoLine 210
  • Power Rating: 500 W RMS
  • Impedance: 4 ohms (8 ohm on request)*
I'd say this is a good match, and as long as you listen for any cabinet stress you're golden.

Simply dropping some random speakers into the cabinet is not a good plan, as the cabinet is designed to work with specific speakers.
Thank you guys for your replies. For varios reasons i have stuck with the 210 setup. No option for larger cab. I did some research and i am not the first doing this.

please help - which speakers for EBS neo box?

My main goal is to have reliable setup, not always looking over my shoulder for keeping the speakers safe. I am not a pusher, but i want to keep this as straight and simple as it gets. Had a lot of research with local speaker experts and online: 210 neo is not a good option. 410 is ok, but for 210 ferrit magnet is the way to go due to very good tolerance for occasional thermal overload. Maybe build a custom EBS copy cab for the repaired neo 210 and have it use for a smaller ex: 250W ultraportable bass amp.

After modification and testing i will get back to you with the results.
