Double Bass EDB-2 Going bad?


Official Forum Flunkee
Supporting Member
Mar 16, 2004
Richmond, CA
Just before a recent gig, I noticed some weird behavior with my Headway EDB-2. The Channel 1 input was making a bit of noise, esp turned below 12 oclock, sometimes would cut out completely if turned down. Not to mention that tweaking it makes a bit of noise. Problem seems to be associated with the gain knob.

Channel 2 seems fine. Anybody have this problem before?

I went on to play the gig fine once the gain was set to about 2 o'clock and was uneventful otherwise.

I guess I may have to send it back but it does have to go overseas doesn't it?
you might be getting "weird" behavior when the batteries go low. i've had the problem where the XLR phantom power would not work even though the low battery light was not on. replace the batteries or use wall power to test
Like @sonix says checking it against an alternate power supply (new batteries, different wall wart into known good AC) is the first thing to try. Much past that unless you understand what all those little pieces inside actually do it's shop time. Unless it's still under warranty (and even then...) there's probably no good reason not to get it diagnosed/repaired locally. The Bay Area definitely has a capable repair shop.

If you are using a wall wart a good thing to carry is a $10 outlet circuit tester. It's not very likely to be your problem here but I've caught bad power more than once especially in old buildings and on low budget outdoor stages where they've got you plugging into orange lawnmower cables. Ground and neutral faults can wreak havoc on electronics.
I wish it was on battery power but I was using the wall wart. Funny, I have had it cut out before on gigs going far back when I think about it now, but never understood what happened. Thought it was a bad cable or something else. Now I know.

I don't think it's bad power but I'll try to see if I can replicate it.

EDIT: I'm past the warranty period. I'll crack it open myself and see what the problem is. Hopefully it's just a loose solder joint on the IC board.
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Good idea. I've cracked it open but have yet to access the pots - they're surface mounted on the top and you need to remove all the 1/4 jacks using a socket wrench first. Still working on it. Might try alchohol on a Q-tip first.
Hmmm. That is a lot of work to get to those pots. I know Stew Mac sells a small tool that allows spraying regular guitar pots without disassembly...looks like bushing collar that fits over the shaft with a small entry point for the spray tube, gets the chem down into the pot.
I wonder if an electronic supply house would have one that would fit those is possible that the pots are sealed, in which case taking the Headway completely apart for access would be a large time suck.
I sprayed mine from the top outside using the 'straw' that came with the DeOxit.

I recently did the same on my Focus (per attached Rick Jones PDF) to fix a noisy effects button (sprayed every other switch and pot while I was at it). From the outside.


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Hrm.... I havne't had a chance to buy DeOxit but found out the one knob on my Focus SA was doing something similar.

I never did get to the pot on the EDB; too hard to get to and too lazy to undo the 1/4 plugs. Looks like a printed IC board with all the chips surface mounted. Any loose solder joints was going to be highly unlikely.
I haven't abused my gear (it's never been dropped) so I don't know what it is. I've tried Deoxit on the EDB-2, it does reduce the symptoms but there's still something there. Plugging into the channel 2 1/4" plug is much better. Strange thing tho is that when the EQ switch is not set to channel 2 (and bass is plugging in channel 2), the signal is very clean. With the eq stage turned on, there's a bit of hiss if the volume is turned up.

The pre is still usable but I'm going to have to send it in at some point - maybe when channel 1 goes completely afoul. I think the hiss thing has always been there but I've never paid attention to it. I'll check out the Alix when it becomes available.
I haven't abused my gear (it's never been dropped) so I don't know what it is. I've tried Deoxit on the EDB-2, it does reduce the symptoms but there's still something there. Plugging into the channel 2 1/4" plug is much better. Strange thing tho is that when the EQ switch is not set to channel 2 (and bass is plugging in channel 2), the signal is very clean. With the eq stage turned on, there's a bit of hiss if the volume is turned up.

The pre is still usable but I'm going to have to send it in at some point - maybe when channel 1 goes completely afoul. I think the hiss thing has always been there but I've never paid attention to it. I'll check out the Alix when it becomes available.

I'll check mine agian tomorrow, I was hoping Deoxit would solve the issue.
I'd like to sell mine. The Felix makes it unnecessary. Plus, it dosen't have to be shipped overseas for repair.

I 'thought' I had a problem with chan 1 not working. Used chan 2 for the gig. Turned out to be the realist pu didn't like the phantom voltage switched on which is recessed on the front side. Got switched on accidentally in the gig bag. Hope it might help someone else one day.