Anyone have any info on Eddie Khan? he played with Eric Dolphy and Max Roach in the early 60's, circa the "we insist!" period. I can't dredge up a biography or a photo of him anywhere, or even if he's alive...
Paul Warburton said:Thanks for the pics...Man, he has a strange stance. Looks like a very tall cat with the pin all the way in. Just the opposite of you Mingus!
I've heard Eddie's name for years, but never heard him play. It's obvious by the company he kept, that he was great.
I speak in the past tense only because this is the first time i've heard his name in many years.
oliebrice said:I've got a great Marion Brown album on ESP with Eddie Kahn on it. can't remember what its called...
MingusFingus said:I don't think they played together. The discographies don't show their names together
oliebrice said:I'm fairly sure I have the recording to prove it, but I'll check tonight.
B String said:Eddie died of lung cancer in 1986 or early 1987. He ended
up at his moms house in San Bernadino, Ca. A bassist
friend of mine whose family still lives next door, has his
bass. It gets played all the time. I'm told Eddie was a real