In my local craigslist there is a Nemesis RS210 for sale. I really wanted to buy it, but I think the seller is asking too much ($500). I asked what was the lowest she was willing o go and she said $450. I own two 1x15, a 212, and I happen to have an Avatar B210 that is an extension cabinet.
My two questions are
1) what is a reasonable price for a Nemesis RS210?
2) Has anyone ever used two different manufactures' 210s to make a 410?
In this case it would be RS210 and avatar B210 at 320 watts.
In my local craigslist there is a Nemesis RS210 for sale. I really wanted to buy it, but I think the seller is asking too much ($500). I asked what was the lowest she was willing o go and she said $450. I own two 1x15, a 212, and I happen to have an Avatar B210 that is an extension cabinet.
My two questions are
1) what is a reasonable price for a Nemesis RS210?
2) Has anyone ever used two different manufactures' 210s to make a 410?
In this case it would be RS210 and avatar B210 at 320 watts.