Effects Order: EQ before or after time-domain effects?


Supporting Member
Jul 26, 2005
Chicago, Illinois
Hi all y'all,

I'm putting together a pedalboard for my new bass setup and could use some advice about signal chain order.

I'm thinking of using this setup:

Tuner -> Empress Para EQ -> Boss OC-3 Octave -> EHX Bass Clone Chorus -> TC Mimiq ADT -> (maybe) SansAmp VT DI -> (recording interface)

This is mostly for recording straight to computer, but I'm thinking about possible use via DI and/or with a Power Engine powered speaker.

I would not use the Octave or Bass Clone at the same time, just one or the other.

The Mimiq is a pedal that emulates studio double-tracking, but is not just a simple delay, it puts some magic on things to make it really sound humanized. (I'm using it because Mick Karn used to doubletrack all his lines in the studio and I love that sound.)

My questions are:
  • Should the Para EQ go before or after the OC-3 / Bass Clone?
  • Should the Mimiq go after the Para EQ, before the OC-3 / Bass Clone?
  • Any thoughts on interaction between the Para EQ and the VT DI's settings?
  • The Mimiq can send dry and wet signals to two outputs; any thoughts on using two DIs to record to two tracks vs stacking them on a mono track?
I would try : Tuner -> Empress Para EQ -> Boss OC-3 Octave -> EHX Bass Clone Chorus -> TC Mimiq ADT -> (maybe) SansAmp VT DI -> (recording interface) .... If you screw up your sound with too much crap, you MAY
recover some of it with the EQ on the back end. Just try it both ways and find out? Setting the filters / band width
on that EQ can make you crazy! Cut/ reduce what you dont like first, than then add the Salt n Pepper. Biggest mistake with an EQ is just start boosting everything.
I would try : Tuner -> Empress Para EQ -> Boss OC-3 Octave -> EHX Bass Clone Chorus -> TC Mimiq ADT -> (maybe) SansAmp VT DI -> (recording interface) ....
Thanks, that was my instinct as well. Yes, mostly will be using EQ to cut certain frequencies and maybe boost low mids. Not sure if I will keep the Sansamp in there, but I’ll experiment.
Tuner - octave, then doesn't matter the other two (unless there are headroom issues, in which case between the chorus and the eq, you put the one with the most headroom last).

If you eq before an octave, it might upset the tracking of the octave - getting an octave pedal to track right is something that's very tough in a lot of situations, so giving it the best chance you can is a good idea.

EQ and chorus effects often give you net gain, so headroom can be an issue where the order of effects (more headroom in the second of those two effects) can help you.