EHX Sovtek Deluxe Big Muff - gate issue

Jul 15, 2017
Just bought a brand new Sovtek Deluxe Big Muff, and according to the manual : when the gate control is turned fully counter-clockwise, the gate is completely bypassed / deactivated.

This is definitely not the case with particular example I have just bought.

There is simply no way to let a note sustain, and ring out.

I'm getting gated fuzz.

If it were truly bypassed, I should be able to have the instruments volume control turned almost completely off, and still hear the signal sustaining, un-gated.

Anybody else encountering this issue?

It seems none of the internal user adjustable trims control the gate threshold, so even if I boosted the signal ahead of the Big Muff, that would just lower the point at which the gate kicks in, but wouldn't actually solve the problem.