Just got my T500 today. I'm sure I'll give some more impressions as I get into it, but the unboxing and an initial go at it were positive. It seems to be well constructed and laid out (although I would prefer the DI on the back). The knobs, buttons and switch have a good feel. I made a point to play my RH750 for about 5 minutes before playing the T500 and then did some A/Bing. The RH has the advantage of being tweaked to my preference. The T500 sounds good with the EQ controls at noon. I'm not sure what to make of the Taste control just yet. I tried it at various levels and didn't really dig what it does right of noon...I need more time with it, but it seems to cut out the top end more than anything else...like it's a variable LPF. The EQ seems fairly sensitive, with some smallish boost/cut changes making substantial sound changes.