Hi Leland, I'll dive right in. My questions are as follows. I have a Fender P Bass copy (hardwood body W/maple bolt neck) with one Fender Original spec humbucker and one Fender Original spec Jazz Bass pickup at the bridge position. Would any sound quality be gained by adding one Fender Original Reissue Jazz Bass Neck pickup in a close to the neck position? Another of the same kind of question is would an Epiphone Gibson Firebird style bass ( all mahogany) equipped with 2 Gibson EBO pickups spaced proportionately be worthwhile sonically? I'm a fan of Walter Becker's playing and he is pictured in some early Steely Dan TV appearances playing basses with these modifications. I have been playing in bar bands for some time with Ampeg equipment. You're inspired playing is on most of my favorite recordings Thank you for your great contribution to musical history.