EMG 45HZ Split Coil (2 humbuckers)

Hey guys! well, I'm trying to make a split coil of this pickup and I can't find the wiring diagram. Would anyone be there? It's for two pickups, so in this case, I suppose I change the wiring combinations...
Funnily enough I've been looking at this pickup myself, in part for either coil splitting in a single pickup configuration or a series parallel switch.

What I've figured out so far:

1) The pickup comes with volume and tone pots and an output jack as part of their quick connect system to make it rock simple for a beginner to wire without a soldering iron.

2) The pickup, based on a pdf found on the EMG website seems to state that there are five leads coming out of the pickup - a positive and negative for each coil and a ground. Assuming my head isn't up my butt, that would mean that you CAN coil split, with either a switch or a switching pot that you can pull in or out (I'm drawing blanks for terms but you know what I mean).
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I made this connection, can anyone confirm if it is correct?
EMG has wiring colors in their instructions:

Screenshot 2022-03-02 8.13.51 AM.png

You'd PM'd me the unedited diagram from Bartolini a few days ago. The Bartolini diagrams you're sharing follow the convention of coil tapping by grounding out the unwanted coil. You can also raise the unwanted coil to hot, it doesn't really matter in the practical sense. The Bartolini diagram also has the coils "backwards" from how most people would wire them, but again it makes zero difference in a pickup with shielding separated from the coils, as is the case with the EMGs.

Here's the unedited diagram from Bartolini:


At any rate, if you want to directly translate the Bartolini diagram to EMG, you'd translate Bartolini colors to EMG like this:

Bartolini - EMG
White - red
Black - black
Green - white
Red - green

So, your EMG version of the diagram would look like this:


I used gray for the white wire. The bare shield always goes to the ground terminal (same as the Bartolini diagram).

Note that these two diagrams are an either/or thing. They're out of phase with each other. If you have a bass with two pickups, you can NOT wire one pickup as the first diagram and one pickup as the second diagram. That would result in the pickups always being out of phase with each other in all switch positions.

If you want to have two EMG 45HZ pickups on your bass, and you want one coil tapped to the neck coil with the other coil tapped to the bridge coil, the easiest way to do that would be to forget the bart diagrams. With EMG wiring colors, always use green as ground, red as hot, and white/black as "middle." Then, on your neck pickup, use the switch to connect black/white to red. On the bridge pickup, use the switch to connect black/white to green. That'll give you a coil tap of the bridge coil on the bridge pickup and the neck coil on the neck pickup.