I'm building a 4 X 10 cabinet, with some eminence ES1040E16s I have.

I can't find the specs on these things...!? Any ideas?

I'd like to make either 2 x 2 x 10s or a 4 x 10, but need the specs to start the plan.

Pleeaaasse help.
That’s an OEM model, specs are not generally available.

This makes it tough to design a cabinet around, though with some work and cost of software, you can derive the essential TS parameter yourself.

Do you know what cabinets the driver was originally used in?
WinISD is probably the least accurate software I have seen. By quite a bit actually.

Try BassBox as a starting point.
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Thanks Horse,

Eminence came through with the params'. Now more research to work out the next step.

I'm assuming winisd is a good place to start.

Hi there
Hope you don’t mind my asking, but would you mind sharing the params? I have a couple of these [“new” old stock] I want to build a cabinet around and, like you, can’t find specs anywhere.
Many thanks
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