Double Bass Eminence Megathread

My reply was probably inappropriate, but I couldn't resist the last part of the question. I've only ever seen one EUB that sounded even a little bit real. Bob Sinicrope (one of the bass faculty at the summer camps) had one last year which actually had a tiny semi hollow DB body with a vibrating top. When you played it unplugged, you could sort of hear it a little...the principle behind it was kind of like a DB version of a Gibson ES 335 or something, but it looked more like an oversized vertical dulcimer with a bass neck attached. I can't remember the name of the maker, but if you want I could email Bob and find out.


The bass you're describing actually sounds like the Eminence, ie. oversized dulcimer with bass neck attached.

The other reviews I've seen for this instrument seem fairly complimentary, particularly with regard to its arco tone. Given its relatively traditional appearance and construction (emphasis on *relatively*) I'm surprised that it seems to be one of the lesser-known EUBs.
Of the EUBs I played at NAMM 2000 in LA, the Eminence gets my vote for the "EUB I didn't Want To Stop Playing." Had a nice opportunity to run it through three different systems, and I was quite impressed with its sound and feel. It simply felt more "at home" than others I tried, and I liked its sound as well. This was one with the single transducer in one side of the bridge; I think he said it was a Schatten piezo but I'm not sure.

If I hadn't already been making my own EUB (and/or had more of a need for one), I would probably own one by now. BTW, a good buddy up in VT. whose ears and opinion I respect has had his for a few years and gives it a steady workout and continues to enjoy it.

Granted, just a ten-fifteen minute impression, but a very favorable one.
Just wanted to let everyone know my page ( is back up and running.
Thanks to Bob Gollihur for letting me know I was the topic here.

I would like to say a few things about the Eminence Portable Upright Bass.
First of all, the Eminence Portable has a FULLY acoustic body. I was the first to market a portable bass with a body that is made just like a full-size bass but with a small body. I even use inside corner blocks like a good-quality upright bass.The Eminence Portable bass has a hand fit bass bar, sound post, and adjustable bridge. That's why it sounds like a full-size bass, amplified.
The pickup I use is made by David Gage. It is similar to the "Realist" but I redesigned it for optimal tone and balance on the Eminence Portable. I tried every pickup I could get my hands on, and found this configuration to work the best.

People ask me, how loud is it acoustically? I tell them you can't cheat physics.
If you want to move alot of air, you have to have a large body. But it is loud enough to practice with unplugged. The Eminence Portable is designed to plug in and have a warm, woody tone when amplified. It dosen't sound just like a full-size bass, because the only thing that sounds like a full-size bass is a full-size bass!! Having said that, it sounds very close to a full-size bass when amplified. Of course the big advantage to using the Eminence Portable is its small size.

I now have an Eminence Portable with a removable neck. 10 minutes to set up, 5 to break down. With the neck off, the bass fits in a golf club flight case. The airlines don't charge oversize rates for anything in a golf club flight case as long as it's not over 70 lbs. Bass with case weighs only 40 lbs. Actually, using a golf club flight case was Mark Rubins' idea. He called me one day and said his Eminence Portable had paid for itself after only 9 months of touring since he paid no oversize charges.
If you want to know anything about the Eminence Portable, or anything else for that matter, call me at 800-741-3045.
I have tried the *foldable* Eminence at the Paris music fair (aka Musicora), unplugged as well as thru a GK small combo amp. The mistake was that they had it strung with the infamous (IMHO) helicore hybrids which put me in the wrong mood. I was, however, quite impressed by the sound in both cases. Even the arco sound was not too bad in spite of poor string choice (...). Was selling for around 3000 us$ (ouch!), same price range as a number of wood slabs (aka EUR). If I had one of these, I could take the wife and the kids & The Bass on vacation. One minor point is that in France Eminence is a brand name for underpants so my kids would have good fun if it could be set up with a KK piezo cell...

How well do you think the instrument balances compared to a regular upright? Did you have to use your left hand to hold it steady or keep it from twisting? Any difficulties in thumb position?

How about build quality and materials? Any glitches with the fingerboard, bridge, finish, purfling or nut? Okay, I'll stop now with the nitpicking...
I haven't had a chance to play one of these (I would love to). On the website it mentions a "T" shaped endpin which should stop any "twist" Although not pictured there the site mentions a left bout extension so the bass will lean in an accustomed way.

I'm not a salesman - just intrigued with the instrument.
I think you got some pertinent points here: it does not have the inertia of a DB, and on top of a left bout emulator to hold the bass against you, it might be a good idea to add a right bout thing so you could rest your left arm in thumb position (my professor keeps rising my left arm though). But that's only minor inconvenience against the portability of the thing, right? To answer your second point, the lutherie looked serious enough, but I did not check the instrument as thoroughly as if I was considering buying it. Maybe next year... with corelli or obligato strings?
After trying out an Eminence with the removable neck I bought one on the spot. I ditched the Helicor Hybrids for Orchestrals and it plays almost as well as my carved basses. (It's a lot like my Kay - without the thump.) I use a SKB hard golf case. It's great for thumb position but with the extended endpin it does hop around a little when the action gets heavy. It was the best alternative I found for traveling and I don't regret my decision.
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I just purchased an eminance, not only my first EUB, but my first DB period. I'd have to say what attracted me to it that it's a an excellent comprimise to a neck on a pole and a boat with strings. I play it through a Para Acoustic DI box and any number of amp combo's and it sounds great. I've played a standard EB for years, and it was a good jumping point for me. Just my opinion.

- Mike