Went with the Empress. A/B/C'd it with my Cs-2 and cp9pro+ and it definitely outshines those. More bass and natural tone than the Cs-2, more clarity and tighter attack available than on the fixed cp9.
And I'm still unsettled on a preferred setting. I'm actually finding the 4:1 the least usable imho, maybe a 3:1 would've better a better mid point in the ratios...dunno.
I tried the 10:1 with the mix dialed right back, that's ok.
Haven't got into the sidechaining capabilities yet, I did have a Seymour Duncan Doubleback, where you could leave certain frequencies uncompressed, and it just sounded odd to me. Not hugely eager to explore, but will in time.
My preferred setting at the moment is the subtle 2:1 but with a fast attack and medium release, fully wet. Tidies things up just enough, still crisp and clear sounding.
But, I do think the metering is definitely under-responsive. with 2:1 I have the input at noon (beyond 1 o'clock I can hear some clarity going), attack about 10, release just before noon, mix fully wet, output really low as it's so hot.
I have a passive P bass going into it and with those settings I hardly trigger many or any green input lights, let alone any red reduction ones (occasionally flashes -1).
That's all cool but my point is I definitely hear a difference with the unit engaged but not triggering metering/disengaged, so it obviously is doing some tidying up before the lights respond.
I'm powering as specified...I wonder if anyone else has had that experience.