Empress, MXR or Origin Comp?

Empress Compressor vs MXR M87 vs Origin Cali76 Compact Bass

  • Empress

  • MXR

  • Origin

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1. Empress

2. Cali76

3. MXR

I've owned the Empress and the MXR and used the Cali76 Compact Bass. A friend of mine was using the Cali76 for keyboards and let me use it at a few gigs and for a studio session to see if I liked it. So I've played them all a bit.

I'll start by saying the MXR is a good compressor but I didn't like it personally. I had one for a couple weeks but returned it as I just couldn't get it to sound good to my ears. A matter of taste over quality I guess. I liked the controls they chose to put on the compressor and the size was a big reason I bought it but sound is king and it didn't fit mine.

So the real decision for me was between the other two units. For me the empress gets the knod on value and I like the controls more than the Cali. Both have sidechain options, sound awesome and have a good set of controls. For me having gain/threshold/ratio/attack/release/volume controls is best but both units have a nice setup and great sounding compression can be dialed in pretty easy. I like the controls of the empress slightly more but agian it was my personal tastes at work. Value was the most concrete factor in my rankings and to me the empress beats the Cali there. I liked the Cali and it is worth what you pay but I think there's compressors that sound as good and cost much less. The empress being one. To be fair, if you like the MXR it is a good value for the package they provide.

Currently I don't own any of these compressors and my Markbass compressore has become a staple for me. A must have for any gig or recording and usually for rehearsal. I prefer it over every compressor I've tried and other than its size I can't think of one negative.
I haven't owned the Cali or MXR.

I bought the Empress and it instantly became part of 'my sound', it is very good and I find it pretty easy to dial in, though I did the reading and knew what I was looking for & at before I started spinning knobs. It's very clear, doesn't really change the tone, and adds nice punch. I squish fairly hard, and blend right around 50%.
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The MXR is a nice transparent comp with good metering and lots of control. I think it's good value for the money.

That said, it's is somewhat hard to dial in and the tiny knobs make that frustrating. It's very transparent but doesn't add a lot to your tone.

The Empress is like the compressor the MXR would like to be when it grows up. Pretty transparent but with more fattening/shine added compared to the MXR. It's also easier to setup while still giving a lot of control.

The Cali doesn't have great metering and not quite as much control but tonally I like it more than the Empress. The blend and HPF are killer features.

Really you can't go wrong with any of them but if you have the cash I think the Empress and Origin are a step above the MXR.
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I've never played the Cali. I started with the MXR (because of the LEDs). It was good but I felt like I could hear it pumping with my low notes.

Then I got the Empress and I haven't looked back. It's already more transparent with its clean blend capability. But then I made a little 100 Hz HPF for the sidechain by soldering a capacitor into a pancake jack and it takes it to another level of transparency. The Empress does add a slight color to the sound, but it's very good at compressing your signal without being obvious.
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Went with the Empress. A/B/C'd it with my Cs-2 and cp9pro+ and it definitely outshines those. More bass and natural tone than the Cs-2, more clarity and tighter attack available than on the fixed cp9.

And I'm still unsettled on a preferred setting. I'm actually finding the 4:1 the least usable imho, maybe a 3:1 would've better a better mid point in the ratios...dunno.

I tried the 10:1 with the mix dialed right back, that's ok.

Haven't got into the sidechaining capabilities yet, I did have a Seymour Duncan Doubleback, where you could leave certain frequencies uncompressed, and it just sounded odd to me. Not hugely eager to explore, but will in time.

My preferred setting at the moment is the subtle 2:1 but with a fast attack and medium release, fully wet. Tidies things up just enough, still crisp and clear sounding.

But, I do think the metering is definitely under-responsive. with 2:1 I have the input at noon (beyond 1 o'clock I can hear some clarity going), attack about 10, release just before noon, mix fully wet, output really low as it's so hot.

I have a passive P bass going into it and with those settings I hardly trigger many or any green input lights, let alone any red reduction ones (occasionally flashes -1).

That's all cool but my point is I definitely hear a difference with the unit engaged but not triggering metering/disengaged, so it obviously is doing some tidying up before the lights respond.

I'm powering as specified...I wonder if anyone else has had that experience.
I have owned 2 of the 3. The MXR and the Cali. The biggest difference for me is the Cali is more transparent and has little to no noise. I love my MXR but the hiss it produced was loud af playing at the volumes my band does.


The Cali can run at 18v which allows for much more clean headroom. I use mine at 18v.
Went with the Empress. A/B/C'd it with my Cs-2 and cp9pro+ and it definitely outshines those. More bass and natural tone than the Cs-2, more clarity and tighter attack available than on the fixed cp9.

And I'm still unsettled on a preferred setting. I'm actually finding the 4:1 the least usable imho, maybe a 3:1 would've better a better mid point in the ratios...dunno.

I tried the 10:1 with the mix dialed right back, that's ok.

Haven't got into the sidechaining capabilities yet, I did have a Seymour Duncan Doubleback, where you could leave certain frequencies uncompressed, and it just sounded odd to me. Not hugely eager to explore, but will in time.

My preferred setting at the moment is the subtle 2:1 but with a fast attack and medium release, fully wet. Tidies things up just enough, still crisp and clear sounding.

But, I do think the metering is definitely under-responsive. with 2:1 I have the input at noon (beyond 1 o'clock I can hear some clarity going), attack about 10, release just before noon, mix fully wet, output really low as it's so hot.

I have a passive P bass going into it and with those settings I hardly trigger many or any green input lights, let alone any red reduction ones (occasionally flashes -1).

That's all cool but my point is I definitely hear a difference with the unit engaged but not triggering metering/disengaged, so it obviously is doing some tidying up before the lights respond.

I'm powering as specified...I wonder if anyone else has had that experience.

Now back to thinking parallel's the best sound with this one, just don't psychologically over-compensate by thinking a 10:1 mainly dry mix requires overstated early attack/late release settings. The drastic part is already done, in that it's a 10:1 ratio. I don't think the actual 'action' relates much sonically to what blend of dry you choose.
+1 for Empress
- sound
- control
- the best metering I've seen on any pedal comp. Having the input + GR active on the same meter is genius (might not be so great if you have more than 10db of GR, but then you can switch to dedicated GR or input metering). That sweet input meter is awesome for matching levels when switching basses.
- value
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