Ernie Ball SUB bass tuner replacement?

Sep 9, 2015
I bought a SUB and the tuners don't do a fabulous job of staying in place (in tune). I was going to look for some Stingray tuners to replace these with and can't seem to find any. Any help is appreciated here. Thanks in advance.
The biggest obstacle to stable tuning, is starting flat, over shooting the mark and then backing down to tune. If you over shoot the mark you MUST back down to flat and bring it back up to pitch. Other contributors include poorly cut nuts, and witness points not set. Tuning down to pitch after over shooting the mark puts the gear lash (play) on the inner side of the gear instead of close to the key end. Vibration during play allows the post to turn from string tension until the lash is transferred to the key side of the gear, allowing the string to go flat. A poorly cut nut can cause the string to bind and then suddenly 'give' causing the string to go sharp. This happens most often while tuning, but can happen while playing. Witness points (string contact points) at the post, nut, and saddles need to be made flat when restringing. If you allow an arc into those areas, as you play the string will eventually flatten out and again it will go flat requiring a re-tune. The problem probably isn't your tuners.

The replacement tuners you are seeking are Schaller BM tuners (EB uses tapered posts though.)
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