- Apr 1, 2000
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- Endorsing Artist: Roscoe Guitars, DR Strings, Aguilar Amplification
A member has suggested a thread posting your favorite technique excercises. So here it is with the first post from Deacon Blues:
This exercise helped me. I used to "dig" too much with my fingers and started every pluck high up on in the air above the string instead from right on the string or just above it. This exercise eliminated that problem and made my fingers a lot faster and the endurance got much better, too. (Right hand endurance has always been a weakness for me, mainly due to my lefthandedness. I play right-handedly). The key words are economy of motion. Well, here it is:
Start for instance on the G string. Rest your index finger on it and the middle finger on the string below (D). Then pluck the G string with your index and simultaneously move your middle finger to the G string to mute it. The result should be a staccato note as short as possible. Well, now your index is resting on your D string and your middle on the G string. Then pluck the G string again with your middle finger and move up the index to mute it as quickly as possible, i.e. exactly the same thing as you already did, only with switched fingers. Now you're back where you started.
That's the core of this exercise. Repeat the exercise (two plucks) for preferably 1, 2 or 4 times before moving to the next string. Start moving downwards (in this case to the D string) and repeat the exercise for the same number of times. When going down, you don't necessarily need to mute the higher string with your plucking hand for the last pluck, but instead with your fretting hand. At slow tempos, you can mute it with your plucking hand but when you raise the tempo or go from say 8ths to 16ths, it is very difficult and unnecessary as your fretting hand can do it better.
When you're down playing at your lowest string (E or B or whatever), start moving up towards your highest string again. It's much more difficult than moving down so do it slowly in the beginning.
Well, that's bassically it. Play it with a metronome with quarter notes, 8ths, 16ths and 32nds and start on a slow tempo like 50-60 bpm. Quarter notes at these slow tempos really improve your timing. Then gradually speed up. Do this for 10 minutes every day instead and you will improve your plucking speed. Period. If you think it's boring, do it as you watch tv, read new posts at TB or something else...
Good luck!