Faital 15PR400 and Mesa Diesel cab - any benefit to port plugging?

Swapped in some Faitals recently into my two Diesel 1x15s - took very little time to break in and they've performed really well ever since. I made no mods to the boxes in question when I did so; should I have? Thoughts:

- I know with "real" TL-606 boxes, the option of port plugging is part of the design
- I know that Diesels are "kinda" TL-606's
- My Diesels have a bit of a "lip" around the front edge that could make plugging a little more complicated

My interests have nothing to do with tone (everything sounds great); more to do with keeping the drivers "healthy" (i.e. making the box as simpatico as possible with what the drivers expect).
Don't plug the port, the new driver is pretty close to the box tuning (close enough). The new driver does not perform as well in a sealed box, and power handling may be lower in a sealed box also (below F3).
Don't plug the port, the new driver is pretty close to the box tuning (close enough). The new driver does not perform as well in a sealed box, and power handling may be lower in a sealed box also (below F3).
FWIW, I should've been more specific - my cabs technically have three ports each, so one could partially port (to change the tuning) without completely sealing the box up.

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Without knowing how the existing porting works with the new driver, any changes either way (less or more port area/depth) is nothing more than a guess. The odds are 50-50% that it would help or hurt.
You'd have to look it up on the old TL606 design specs, but if my memory serves me correctly, plugging the middle ports drops the tuning about 5 Hz or so. The only reason I could thing to possibly do this would be if you're playing 5 string, to help prevent over-excursion. However, I can't see it being a huge difference. If you are using two 15Pr400's up to their limits, well....that's loud.