Favorite passive circuit for 4 holes

Apr 19, 2014
My Warwick thumb (jazzman setup with a single coil neck and humbucker bridge) has 4 larger holes and one mini hole for the humbucker series/parallel/single coil. I'm curious what the options are for a passive circuit in a 4 hole setup besides VVTT.

I'm going passive because every onboard preamp I try sounds choked relative to passive mode. I can hear the same differences in demos of other basses online as well. My outboard processors/preamps are miles ahead of these tiny underpowered onboard preamps.

So, any ideas?
Depends on what you’re going for and what you like. Here’s another one to consider:
1) Rotary pup selector switch (neck, both in series, both in parallel, bridge),
2) volume,
3) tone,
4) rotary cap selector/varitone/tonestyler switch.
Here's my PJ. It has 3 pots and 3 switches so needs up to 6 holes. I have a push-pull pot for the phase switch, so 5 holes, two of which are small switch holes. If you can find a switch to fit a pot-size hole it really is a great setup...

Wiring Diagram.jpg
I realize this is a bit off topic, so therefore not exactly helpful, but I’m curious - which onboard preamps have you tried?