So I have a Fender Precision with the '62 pickup that came as standard. I'm not a huge fan of the raised pole pieces (sometimes the low E string catches the pole and 'pops' through the amp). I've lowered the pickups slightly and softened my attack, but it still happens every now and then.
My question is - does the Fender Pure Vintage '63 pickup have these same raised pole pieces? And is it possible to alter the pole piece height of a pickup?
The Fender site says that both the '62 and '63 have 'Flush-mount polepieces', but as this is not the case for my '62 I thought I would get a second opinion.
The '63 sounds like a great pickup, slightly hotter and more bass heavy than the '62, so I'm already considering getting one. But the pole piece height is the deal breaker here.
So I have a Fender Precision with the '62 pickup that came as standard. I'm not a huge fan of the raised pole pieces (sometimes the low E string catches the pole and 'pops' through the amp). I've lowered the pickups slightly and softened my attack, but it still happens every now and then.
My question is - does the Fender Pure Vintage '63 pickup have these same raised pole pieces? And is it possible to alter the pole piece height of a pickup?
The Fender site says that both the '62 and '63 have 'Flush-mount polepieces', but as this is not the case for my '62 I thought I would get a second opinion.
The '63 sounds like a great pickup, slightly hotter and more bass heavy than the '62, so I'm already considering getting one. But the pole piece height is the deal breaker here.