Fender '62 vs '63 - Pole Pieces


So I have a Fender Precision with the '62 pickup that came as standard. I'm not a huge fan of the raised pole pieces (sometimes the low E string catches the pole and 'pops' through the amp). I've lowered the pickups slightly and softened my attack, but it still happens every now and then.

My question is - does the Fender Pure Vintage '63 pickup have these same raised pole pieces? And is it possible to alter the pole piece height of a pickup?

The Fender site says that both the '62 and '63 have 'Flush-mount polepieces', but as this is not the case for my '62 I thought I would get a second opinion.

The '63 sounds like a great pickup, slightly hotter and more bass heavy than the '62, so I'm already considering getting one. But the pole piece height is the deal breaker here.


Because the poles are raised, your pickup needs to be a bit lower. With mine even slapping the E string like a madman would not make the string hit the pole. If you ask me you pickups are still too high (and the two splits must be angle as it is done on a PBass)
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So I have a Fender Precision with the '62 pickup that came as standard. I'm not a huge fan of the raised pole pieces (sometimes the low E string catches the pole and 'pops' through the amp). I've lowered the pickups slightly and softened my attack, but it still happens every now and then.

My question is - does the Fender Pure Vintage '63 pickup have these same raised pole pieces? And is it possible to alter the pole piece height of a pickup?

The Fender site says that both the '62 and '63 have 'Flush-mount polepieces', but as this is not the case for my '62 I thought I would get a second opinion.

The '63 sounds like a great pickup, slightly hotter and more bass heavy than the '62, so I'm already considering getting one. But the pole piece height is the deal breaker here.



'63 poles are flush, great pickup, too.

I also dislike raised poles, so I shimmed the covers on my '62s. Popped off the covers and placed 1/16" wood veneer strips on either side of the poles, put the covers back on and *presto* flush poles.