Fender HiMass Vintage Bridge - intonation hex tool?

I have a Fender Jazz Elite with the HMV bridge and can't find a hex wrench to fit the intonation adjustment. Actually forked out the big bucks for the Fender guitar multi-tool and same issue - none of them fit. What the heck strange hex nut are they using on this bridge?
I have a Fender Jazz Elite with the HMV bridge and can't find a hex wrench to fit the intonation adjustment. Actually forked out the big bucks for the Fender guitar multi-tool and same issue - none of them fit. What the heck strange hex nut are they using on this bridge?
Well, dang, I just had a friend’s American Elite in here doing a preamp replacement and a minor set-up on it. I pulled the proper size hex key out for intonation adjustments, but I’ve delivered the bass back to its owner and I’ll never remember what size it was. Sad to say, I can’t even remember if it was a metric or standard.
If I have a miraculous memory recall, I’ll be sure to post back. But I can say positively, it’s a regular size, not an oddball.
Good luck!
I have a Fender Jazz Elite with the HMV bridge and can't find a hex wrench to fit the intonation adjustment. Actually forked out the big bucks for the Fender guitar multi-tool and same issue - none of them fit. What the heck strange hex nut are they using on this bridge?
Well it's either something SAE or something metric.
Which set of hex wrenches do you not have? That's probably what it is.
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I have both an SAE and metric set, but apparently they are both too small a set to include this one.
The Fender tool has 4 SAE and assuming the marked sizes are correct and the SAE and metric keys are each on one side of the tool, it is between the 1/16" (1.5875 mm) and 1/8" (3.175 mm).
It has 5 metric and it is between the 2.5 and 3 mm.
It must be a 7/64 (2.77 mm) key, which is included in only the biggest sets I have found online. I haven't found a metric set with a 2.75mm key, though probably that would work too.
I curse Ronald Reagan for ending metrification. Having two different sets of tools is a nightmare for everyone but the tool manufacturers.
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Pre-fab kits aren't worth the packaging IMO. If you ever determine the correct size, let me know...I probably have a spare I can mail. This is what you really want (attached).

Per diagram, these are the keys included with the bass:


If truly a 7/64", I have one I can mail.



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I have both an SAE and metric set, but apparently they are both too small a set to include this one.
The Fender tool has 4 SAE and assuming the marked sizes are correct and the SAE and metric keys are each on one side of the tool, it is between the 1/16" (1.5875 mm) and 1/8" (3.175 mm).
It has 5 metric and it is between the 2.5 and 3 mm.
It must be a 7/64 (2.77 mm) key, which is included in only the biggest sets I have found online. I haven't found a metric set with a 2.75mm key, though probably that would work too.
I curse Ronald Reagan for ending metrification. Having two different sets of tools is a nightmare for everyone but the tool manufacturers.

At the risk of sounding like a jerk (and I don’t intend to) but between my garage and work van I have 4-5 sets of SAE hex keys of various price points and quality and they all have 7/64”. Did you try the ones at Home Depot or Lowes? If you’re in the US anyway.
OK, so it isn't that weird, it is on every set with more than 8 keys, I just have a super small set. Plus the Fender multi tool that doesn't include it for some reason even though a lot of their guitars need it. However, thanks for pointing out that Fender packages keys with the bass! Never noticed that, so I have one! I might buy a cheap Husky multi at Home Depot and switch out the straight-edge screwdriver on the Fender for the 7/64 from it just to have a useful set.
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I curse Ronald Reagan for ending metrification. Having two different sets of tools is a nightmare for everyone but the tool manufacturers.

I agree, though I wouldn't be so quick to blame any single person for this. He was actually doing what the majority of citizens wanted done. So I believe it was backlash from the American people that ended it. We as a society don't like change, especially if it means putting in any effort to learn something new or different.

Too few of us realize however, how much easier the metric system is to navigate than what we use now. All you need to master is the skill of multiplying and dividing by ten. And if one doesn't want to do the math, just move the decimal points. That's pretty much the opposite of what you need to do to the figure out how many yards are in a mile? Do that in your head.

The funny thing about it is that the metric system has been with us in some circles including here for a long time.
How often do we discuss hz vs kHz, mfd vs pfd, the dc resistance of a pickup in k(Ohms) or the virtues of a 500k pot vs a 1m pot? And outside of this realm we buy pop in two-liter bottles. The doctor describes the size of my tumor in cm. It continues to slowly creep in. One day we'll wake up and wonder what happened to a system that started out being based on the length of the Kings foot, whoever happened to be on the throne at the time and whatever his shoe size. Oddly, we did away with having Kings, thanks to our first President, yet the smelly sock of the imperial system of measurement lives on.

So yeah, I too was sad to see metrification get all that backlash. We lost a Mars probe apparently because of it. Though honestly, if the people behind that missed such an obvious difference, the darn thing probably wasn't up to the task anyway.

I see it as being the will of the majority. And that's what we signed on for, like it or not.
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length of the Kings foot, whoever happened to be on the throne at the time and whatever his shoe size. Oddly, we did away with having Kings, thanks to our first President, yet the smelly sock of the imperial system of measurement lives on.

So yeah, I too was sad to see metrification get all that backlash. We lost a Mars probe apparently because of it. Though honestly, if the people behind that missed such an obvious difference, the darn thing probably wasn't up to the task anyway.

I see it as being the will of the majority. And that's what we signed on for, like it or not.

I jumped on this bandwagon years ago. In my workshop, the palm of my hand / 3.5" used to measure string length past the machine head is known as a "Zoober". 4 "Zoobers" = 14" or 35.5 cm. Pretty handy (excuse the pun) when a quick measurement is required and no tape measure available.

I never realized the Martians used the metric system.

I have a 7/64" hex key taped to my office wall. Somebody still need it?

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I jumped on this bandwagon years ago. In my workshop, the palm of my hand / 3.5" used to measure string length past the machine head is known as a "Zoober". 4 "Zoobers" = 14" or 35.5 cm. Pretty handy (excuse the pun) when a quick measurement is required and no tape measure available.

I never realized the Martians used the metric system.

I have a 7/64" hex key taped to my office wall. Somebody still need it?

Yeah! That's cool. The Zoober.

I used to have well calibrated feet. Could step off distances, heal to toe, and be close enough for most gov't work.
Then I had surgery on both feet and no longer was my foot a foot. I coulda been king!

The problem was that the Martians didn't use the Metric system, neither did at least one Earthling.
The Dumb Mistake That Doomed a Mars Probe in 1999

I'm cursed enough without any more hexes. But thanks for the offer. :woot:
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