Fender Player Precision pickup replacement?

Oct 2, 2017
I am thinking about replacing the pickups in my Pau Ferro Player Precision, looking for a warmer, but still clear tone.

So far, I have tried the EMG GZR, but looking for a little more mellow warmth. Maybe the Aguilar AG P4-60 is a good fit.

Looking forward to hearing about your experience replacing the PUs in a Player P. Was it worth it?

Btw., current strings are light GHS Precision Flats (3025).
Fender Pure Vintage 63 is what you're looking for. Its inexpensive too.
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Funny, the Pure Vintage '63 (that is stock in the American Original P) was number #1 on my list, until I read too many bad reviews about them being too muddy. I even have the Pure Vintage '64 in my Jazz Bass, could not stop thinking about them after playing a Flea Roadworn at a store once.

So after your unison answers, I finally ordered the PV '63 an hour ago. Thanks for helping me make up my mind!
For warm I would say AG P4-60, Seymound Duncan Antiquity II and Fender Pure Vintage 63.
With this last pickup you will get warm, bassy and punchy. If you are getting too much bass, lower your pickups a tad to tame them.
It works well with this pickup because it's relatively hot.
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Thanks. I think I'll try them in this order, would like to try the Antiquity earlier, but it's the most expensive.
  • Fender Pure Vintage '63
  • Aguilar AG 4P-60
  • Seymour Duncan SPB-1
  • Seymour Duncan P Antiquity II
But I really hope I like the PV 63, going to install it today...
The EMG GZR is a rock machine and rather aggressive (in a good way !) and cuts like a knife, not really warm.

And the Aguilar throws a lot of details so again, not on the warm side of things but eh, I gave it a try a few minutes only so the sound coming out of it may have been influenced by the amp as well, in this case a Markbass with a single 12" Kevlar driver.