Fender Rumble 40 and Fender Rumble 100 - Make sure you buy at a place with a good return policy


Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2009
Montreal, Quebec Canada

Over the past month, I purchased a Fender Rumble 40 combo. Great little amp! Loved everything about it. I didn't love that the amp blew after four days of playing, maximum of 2 hours of playing total. I would turn the amp on and the light would flash on, but no sound would come out.

No problem, lemons happen. I brought it back to the store, they gave me a new one. This one lasted two weeks. Crapped out on a light jazz gig. Not fun.

Brought it back to the store. Bought a Rumble 100 combo. The amp blew after a week.

I had bought these at a local store. Each time, the repair guy tried to fix it, to no avail. Apparently the entire board had to be replaced. Back to Fender they go.

And I used them with different basses, it isn't an issue of what bass I used. Also, I never turned them up past half way.

I really love the Rumble series. I love the sound. I love the weight. i am a proud owner of a Rumble 500 combo and a Rumble 210 cabinet. Had them for several months. Played them on many gigs. No issues. Really like them. But I have to say, the 40 and 100 have me worried. I'm not sure I'm going to purchase a fourth one.

Just thought I would put this up here, in case someone is thinking of purchasing one. I know that there are several people on TB who swear by them. And I know some people have owned them for years with no issue. More power to them! But at least some of us have not been so lucky.

As you can see, I'm not hating on them. I just felt like I had to post this here, mainly because I would appreciate if others did this too, if they had an experience like this.

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I just picked up my fourth Rumble 500.....all were brand new. Once I had problems with the 1st one I bought, the store has been gracious enough to give me replacements. They will not, however...do a cash refund.

Was going to try getting a different brand of amp but they were out of everything else.

So crossing my fingers #4 is my lucky number.
In Australia we have fairly good consumer law. If the product does not perform as per its design function you either get repair/new or refund regardless of what the retailer says.

Many retailers can try it on but if you push it with department of fair trading you will get a refund especially after multiple failures of the same product.

For what it’s worth, looks like I finally got a 100 that didn’t blow up. It’s been several months now...no issues.

And I’m still on my first 500. Had it fir a year and a half, lotsa gigs, no issues.

But man, it took a lot of patience to get to this point.

I’m surprised that this hasn’t happened to more people.
It just happened to me. Bought a rumble 40 early today. It just made a "popping" sound and died. I heading back to GC now to return it. I hope they have another.