Fender Vintera 50s P-bass pickguard cover question


I'm into purchasing the Fender Vintera 50s Precision Bass, and I was wondering, can I somehow add pickup covers and thumb rest to it? I've seen on the official pictures that the pickguard has holes in it, but on the bridge side there are none. Are those holes actually drilled or should I drill them by myself, if I want those pickups to be installed?

I am talking about this model: Vintera® '50s Precision Bass® | Electric Basses

Thank you for the answers!
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I was wondering, can I somehow add pickup covers and thumb rest to it?
Don't rest your thumb there. The bass won't make any sound. Suggest you install a tugbar instead.


I've seen on the official pictures that the pickguard has holes in it, but on the bridge side there are none.

Hi Michael,

I own a 2019 Vintera Precision Bass in Dakota Red, and its pickguard does not actually have the pre-drilled holes for the tug bar or pickup cover, so if you're wanting to add those accessories, best to verify what you're getting before you order.

The holes for the bridge cover would need to be drilled no matter what.
Or not. I like the covers on my basses as well, but I have more basses than I have covers, and I'm cheap. I have found that placing a bit of blu-tac putty beneath the covers where the holes would be and pressing down works pretty much as well as any screws. Once that putty has a chance to set up you are going to have to YANK those covers off to remove them. Tug bar is a different matter, since that is a stress point.
Or not. I like the covers on my basses as well, but I have more basses than I have covers, and I'm cheap. I have found that placing a bit of blu-tac putty beneath the covers where the holes would be and pressing down works pretty much as well as any screws. Once that putty has a chance to set up you are going to have to YANK those covers off to remove them. Tug bar is a different matter, since that is a stress point.
Or not. I like the covers on my basses as well, but I have more basses than I have covers, and I'm cheap. I have found that placing a bit of blu-tac putty beneath the covers where the holes would be and pressing down works pretty much as well as any screws. Once that putty has a chance to set up you are going to have to YANK those covers off to remove them. Tug bar is a different matter, since that is a stress point.
The American Vintage Reissue and American Original '50's style gold anodized pickguards already have the holes drilled for the pickup cover and the tugbar. The gold anodized guards for the MIM '50's Classic and Vintera Precisions do not.

One of the above or a Fender reissue plastic guard with the holes can be used as a drilling template for the pickup cover. The bridge cover drilling is best done with a handy closeup picture of one that has been drilled at the factory.....like this one.

62 AVRI Fullerton closeup.jpg
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I'm into purchasing the Fender Vintera 50s Precision Bass, and I was wondering, can I somehow add pickup covers and thumb rest to it? I've seen on the official pictures that the pickguard has holes in it, but on the bridge side there are none. Are those holes actually drilled or should I drill them by myself, if I want those pickups to be installed?

I am talking about this model: Vintera® '50s Precision Bass® | Electric Basses

Thank you for the answers!
I'm a firm believer in double-sided tape. Here is a pickup cover attached to the pickguard with double sided tape:
bass ivy pumps & pearls.jpg

I tested trying to pull it off, and it resisted my attempt. I pulled pretty hard. I believe it will hold up just fine. I used a single pickguard screw hole to mount the thumbrest.

Here is a thumbrest attached via double sided tape:
bass nukitty 0 kill switch.jpg

It's a thumbrest, and does not get enough pressure to pop it off. I'd have to reef on it HARD! to dislodge it. I also used double-sided tape to attach a thumbrest to the pickguard of my Badtz Maru Bronco. Same story, I'd have to try really hard to remove it.

That being said, I would not use double-sided tape on the finish, only on the pickguard. I'm pretty sure the tape I use would pull off chunks of paint if I used it on the finished part. On the finished part, you're going to have to drill.
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Classic 50's series pickguard had all the holes for tugbar and PU cover but not the holes in the body. The first Vintera batches had them too, hence at the start they were presented with holes all over, including fender.com. Then for some reason they decided to make a pickguard without holes for Vintera series and updated info on their sites. So, in real life you still can spot the Vintera which has old pickguard with holes.
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