Fender VS Sadowsky


Commercial User
Dec 17, 2018
Hi,I gonna buy new bass and I was considering between "Fender Marcus Miller Jazz Bass V US" and "Sadowsky MV5" I playing jazz,groove and some of rock(I already got a full pedal board that have Pre,Compressor,EQ and another).
Can you guy help me to choose one?
Sadowsky vrs Fender. Fender produces more basses in a month than sadowsky does in a year or more. I am not sure of the sadowsky express in what quality of woods or sound. But the Metro's are a nice bass using better quality of wood than most factory produced fenders. But the Marcus Miller 5 is a nice bass. I have seen them used at very affordable price. A friend of mine has one and love's it alot. But I love my Sadowsky NYC 5 also.
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Sadowsky all the way. I’ve played a few of every level of Sadowsky basses and all been head and shoulders above Fenders (some WAY above). The only real benefit I can see to a Fender is that nobody would give a bassist any grief for showing up with a Fender, but I’ve had many bandleaders, artists, FOH and studio engineers comment on how well my Sadowsky basses sit in the mix. It’s your money, but with how highly regarded Sadowsky basses are and how incredible their customer service is (Roger himself is active here on TB and social media, interacting with those of us who play his basses) the answer for me seems pretty clear-cut.

Just my two cents anyway...
Hi,I gonna buy new bass and I was considering between "Fender Marcus Miller Jazz Bass V US" and "Sadowsky MV5" I playing jazz,groove and some of rock(I already got a full pedal board that have Pre,Compressor,EQ and another).
Can you guy help me to choose one?

No, we can't. The Difference between the two that matters is the tone. So for me it's an easy choice: I just don't like the Sadowsky tone. But that does not help YOU make a choice. Only YOU can decide which tone tone does it for you. Both tones are very distinctive and each have their fans. So listen carefully and choose wisely grasshopper. No matter what you decide you won't be sorry.
Gotta go with the Fender. The MM 5 is incredible. Just don’t dig the Sadowsky tone, as much as I’ve tried over the years. As much as I’ve heard “sadowsky’s sound great in the mix!”, anytime I hear one live I’m not impressed. This happened at a festival a few months ago with a band who was running with their own soundman. Bassist had 2 NYC 5 strings running through an Avalon U5. Sound was just kind of there.
A couple of years ago my goto was a US Lakland 55-94. I've always wanted a 5 string Fender so I bought a Fender ASJV which sounded great, on the top 4 strings. The B was OK but sounded slightly "disconnected" from the others, and it was heavy. A Lull Jazz came up and I bought that. With its 18v Aguilar preamp it sounded fantastic, very light and so easy to play. Then a Sadowsky RV5 came up at a good price and I bought that. It's heavy-ish but the sound from that preamp is huge and the instrument just sings. I sold all the others. YMMV.
Try them physically and then make your choice ... this would be the right way ... I own a MM 4 strings ... the preamp and pickups are not the best in the world ... Sadowsky preamp is surely better ... whether or not this justifies the price difference I don’t know ... I tried a Sadowsky Tokyo some time ago and it feeled like a jazz bass ... a good compromise, and what I’d personally do, may be that of buying a 2nd hand MM V (also because you can almost find it only 2nd hand nowadays I believe) and changing the preamp (and the pickups also IMO but sticking to single coils) ... however, it’s better if you try both basses in a shop as previously stated
Not fair to compare the two.
The Sadowsky is a superior instrument
I think I'd go by individual instrument rather than builder vs. builder in this particular case as I have seen very well made Fenders and relatively sloppy Sadowsky basses.

I'd try basses from both and get what feels and sounds best.
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