Finishing paint/top coat with a matte finish

Oct 27, 2016
Kelowna BC Canada
So I've finished painting my current project and I've applied my first layer if clear coat but I'm not completely sure how to finish it properly.

The body and neck are painted flat black and I'm using a matte varathane clearcoat. I'm think of applying 3-5 coats, sanding in between but I'm not sure what my last step should be before putting it together.

Some have said just wet sand it, some say apply a wax or oil after sanding. What's my best option while still keeping the matte look?

**Note: I'm brushing on my clearcoat. I don't have a spray gun and no one locally carries matte clearcoat in rattle cans.**
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So I've finished painting my current project and I've applied my first layer if clear coat but I'm not completely sure how to finish it properly.

The body and neck are painted flat black and I'm using a matte varathane clearcoat. I'm think of applying 3-5 coats, sanding in between but I'm not sure what my last step should be before putting it together.

Some have said just wet sand it, some say apply a wax or oil after sanding. What's my best option while still keeping the matte look?

**Note: I'm brushing on my clearcoat. I don't have a spray gun and no one locally carries matte clearcoat in rattle cans.**

Applying by hand can be done - a soft bristle brush, an even coat of product, the prescribed temp/humidity conditions in the room, the correct viscosity of the product combined with having the top and back level while curing helps. (as in, let gravity fully level the product while it's curing) Usually spraying matte, once you've shot the final coat - it's done. (no sanding etc) To get that final coat as perfect as you can, each prior coat needs to be wet sanded to remove all imperfections.
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