I ll let you know a little bit of my situation before proceeding...
Right now I´ve been playing bass for 4 years right now, i own a fender rumble 15 for practicing and a silver face MiM Sunn Concert Bass with an acoustic cab for giging, its functional, but I wanted to take things a little bit further and buy a more "proper" bass head.
My budget is around 500-600 dollars
I found this great Ampeg SVT 1000 on a store for about 600 (Really cheap compairing prices in stores around mexico), but found another interesting options, such as the Tech 21 VT Bass 500 (that is around 600 dollars here too because of taxes), or the Hartke TX 600 (500 dollars in here).
I´ve tried that ampeg model in some rehearsing rooms before, but im open about trying something different.
I dont know what to choose... What would you do? Do yo have some other options that i should consider?
Thank you! And keep bassing on!
I ll let you know a little bit of my situation before proceeding...
Right now I´ve been playing bass for 4 years right now, i own a fender rumble 15 for practicing and a silver face MiM Sunn Concert Bass with an acoustic cab for giging, its functional, but I wanted to take things a little bit further and buy a more "proper" bass head.
My budget is around 500-600 dollars
I found this great Ampeg SVT 1000 on a store for about 600 (Really cheap compairing prices in stores around mexico), but found another interesting options, such as the Tech 21 VT Bass 500 (that is around 600 dollars here too because of taxes), or the Hartke TX 600 (500 dollars in here).
I´ve tried that ampeg model in some rehearsing rooms before, but im open about trying something different.
I dont know what to choose... What would you do? Do yo have some other options that i should consider?
Thank you! And keep bassing on!