So, I took a rather long break from TalkBass. On this break, I got a bit off track in life. Not enough music, not enough progress, too many problems, too many substances, too many complications.
I'm workin right now on a lot of personal problems with all that, and I started going to a church to help with those typical 'why am I on this rock?' questions we ask around this age, and coincidentially, the message there and at the college seemed to have a theme attached. Art, in every form, and the purpose behind it. It's a very, very complex thought and I've been toying with it for quite some time. But, one word kinda stuck in my head the whole time. 'Hope'.
Now, I'm no expert on keys, but it was the only instrument I have some experience playing, so I decided to put that into the mix and finally start songwriting. Music is far more than a hobby, I believe. It's a passion. It's a love. I've been PLAYING music in bars, festivals, and parties for some time, but never MADE music. When I'm dead, I want to leave my OWN music behind, so, here is my first attempt, and it took me a span of about two hours.
Any feedback, suggestions, ways to improve, kind words, and harsh words are appreciated! (Assuming it's constructive!)
I'm wondering about lyrics, but I'm also considering an instrumental. I'll have to find me a guitarist and a drummer to fill in the blanks, but anyways, here is my parts (besides maybe vocals) done, for a few parts.
Intro: Solar
Section I:
Made using an iPhone app, as I was simply at home without any recording equipment, so keep that in mind on Quality.
Thanks for reading and listening!
I'm workin right now on a lot of personal problems with all that, and I started going to a church to help with those typical 'why am I on this rock?' questions we ask around this age, and coincidentially, the message there and at the college seemed to have a theme attached. Art, in every form, and the purpose behind it. It's a very, very complex thought and I've been toying with it for quite some time. But, one word kinda stuck in my head the whole time. 'Hope'.
Now, I'm no expert on keys, but it was the only instrument I have some experience playing, so I decided to put that into the mix and finally start songwriting. Music is far more than a hobby, I believe. It's a passion. It's a love. I've been PLAYING music in bars, festivals, and parties for some time, but never MADE music. When I'm dead, I want to leave my OWN music behind, so, here is my first attempt, and it took me a span of about two hours.
Any feedback, suggestions, ways to improve, kind words, and harsh words are appreciated! (Assuming it's constructive!)
I'm wondering about lyrics, but I'm also considering an instrumental. I'll have to find me a guitarist and a drummer to fill in the blanks, but anyways, here is my parts (besides maybe vocals) done, for a few parts.
Intro: Solar
Section I:
Made using an iPhone app, as I was simply at home without any recording equipment, so keep that in mind on Quality.
Thanks for reading and listening!