Flats on the J, rounds on the P


Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2006

Now I do have a P with flats, my 1966 sunburst that I've had since 1973, wearing a set of 12 year old LaBella flats. Old school thump with a vengeance.

Last year I picked up this pair of American Standard Fives. Been experimenting with strings. I decided to leave the Fender roundwounds on the P. The meatyness of the pickup seems to gime me plenty of thump but also some zing and growl with the roundwounds. But I wasn't really happy with the sound of the J. It seemed really weak, thin and nasal to me (I've been playing Stingrays, fours and fives, and my '81 G&L for the last few years).

So I decided to try flats on the J, just the standard Fender medium flatwound set. What a difference!
Meaty, thick, round, and yet articulate. Made the J my go-to bass for my last three gigs. Sits in the mix great, blends with the bass drum, made me enjoy playing the J more than I ever have.

So I know it goes against common wisdom, but that's what working for me, rounds on the P and flats on the J.
I decided to try flats on the J, just the standard Fender medium flatwound set. What a difference!
Meaty, thick, round, and yet articulate. Made the J my go-to bass for my last three gigs. Sits in the mix great, blends with the bass drum, made me enjoy playing the J more than I ever have.

This sounds almost like my own story!

Ever since I got my new Am Std P bass last September, it wore flats, while my J was happily purring with the GHS Pressurewounds.

So, when I got my Fender 9050CL set (45-60-80-105) a couple of months ago, they naturally went on my P. For some strange reason, though, my P and the Fender flats never did bond very well during the five weeks they were together. That's when I decided to switch them around - the PW on the P and the 9050CL on my J. BINGO! I've finally found the perfect matches for both basses!