Follow and ignore member features…


Supporting Member
Apr 5, 2001
Waupun, WI
What exactly do the “follow” and/or “ignore” member features do?

“ignore” seems to just block anything that member posts, right? If they post something on a listing you have it would show say “1 reply”, but you couldn’t see it until and unless you take them off the “ignore” list, right?

not sure what “follow” does…
Am I right that “Follow” only flags new original posts by the user you follow, and not replies to existing threads?
For example, I “follow” @agedhorse, but I don’t get notifications for when he posts replies to a thread created by someone else.
Which is a shame, because I’d like to see threads in which he has posted.
I've wondered about this too, because I do get some follow notifications, but not nearly all I should. Never looked into which ones, probably seeing the same thing you are...
What exactly do the “follow” and/or “ignore” member features do?

“ignore” seems to just block anything that member posts, right? If they post something on a listing you have it would show say “1 reply”, but you couldn’t see it until and unless you take them off the “ignore” list, right?

So - the "follow" feature has been explained. Can I assume my explanation of the "ignore" feature was correct, then? :eyebrow:
So - the "follow" feature has been explained. Can I assume my explanation of the "ignore" feature was correct, then? :eyebrow:

Also of note, if someone you ignore has the most recent post in a thread, when you are scrolling the list of threads, in the far right where it shows who posted last in that thread, it will show as 'Ignored Member'.
You'll also have the option at the bottom of each page in the thread on the right to click on 'Show Ignored Content'.

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