For those with drop down tunings

Jan 19, 2011
Hi, I play a 5 string in drop c (C-G-c-f-a#) and it is always such a hassle getting strings with same tension as normal set for normal tuning. Australian stores never have the right singles so I need to wait weeks for shipping from bassstringsonline. Now to my actual question.
How many of you just get a normal set and have a looser than normal bottom string and how many struggle like me to get the right gauges? I would like to know if I'm being too picky and if a looser bottom string isn't actually that bad.
The gauges that I currently get are 35-50-70-90-120. I like the sound of the dunlop super brights which i could only get 30-45-65-85 for top 4, but then have to decide whether to drop a 110 to C or do a .040 leap from 85 to 125. I also wanted to try fat beams once but had the same problem.

*Please no suggestion just to change for standard c tuning, as I don't feel comfortable re-learning my bands whole catologue and I feel I would make too many mistakes.
Thanks guys