Double Bass Frankfurt Germany - 8/17 application deadline

Be sure to go to the right Frankfurt for the audition :D
Exactly my thoughts! Frankfurt Oder is a small city on the Polish border. Frankfurt am Main is a much larger city with a major international airport and is home to the European Central Bank.

About the temporary contract: I would assume it’s a one year term unless otherwise specified.
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About the temporary contract: I would assume it’s a one year term unless otherwise specified.
Not sure you can assume that. The text (in German) states that the reason for the temporary contract is that this is a replacement for some musician who is currently on sick leave, and that the end date of the contract is currently unknown. So, presumably, the contract will be terminated when the other musician comes back from sick leave (there is usually a notice period, but it would be wise to ask for more details on this matter before travelling for an audition). So the contract duration could be anywhere bewteen just a few months and several years.

Note that travel costs will be reimbursed only for the travel within Germany (the level of reimbursement is not really great), and only for those candidate who reach the 2nd round. This, together with the uncertainty about contract duration, does not make it very attractive to travel from the US with a DB to apply for the position...
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Not sure you can assume that. The text (in German) states that the reason for the temporary contract is that this is a replacement for some musician who is currently on sick leave, and that the end date of the contract is currently unknown. So, presumably, the contract will be terminated when the other musician comes back from sick leave (there is usually a notice period, but it would be wise to ask for more details on this matter before travelling for an audition). So the contract duration could be anywhere bewteen just a few months and several years.

Note that travel costs will be reimbursed only for the travel within Germany (the level of reimbursement is not really great), and only for those candidate who reach the 2nd round. This, together with the uncertainty about contract duration, does not make it very attractive to travel from the US with a DB to apply for the position...
Where did you see that text? I was looking for further information and found no details. Strange.

Either way, I would never recommend an intercontinental flight for a short-term contract audition. I don't mean to accuse this particular orchestra of any shenanigans, but in common practice these auditions are often a formality when they already know who they plan to hire.

There have been a few notable exceptions, but generally it doesn't make sense for American-trained bassists to jump into German orchestra auditions. The standards and expectations are very different, and normally one should have studied in Germany for least a year or two.
Where did you see that text? I was looking for further information and found no details. Strange.
Additional notes
Grund der Befristung: Krankheitsvertretung, das Befristungsende ist noch unbekannt

and here:
Event notes
  • Erstattung der Fahrtkosten ab Erreichen der 2. Runde des HPS (Bahn 2. Klasse, PKW 0,20€/km, innerhalb Deutschlands)